Papers relating to foreign affairs


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No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
262 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Nov. 30 The depredations of the Alabama. 707
264 do Dec. 1 The progress of affairs in the United States. 707
267 do Dec. 7 The reinstatement of Mr. Canisius as consul at Vienna. 708
278 do Dec. 29 Public sentiment in the United States towards France. No party in the United States disposed to submit to dictation, or to accept mediation or intervention. 708
287 do Jan. 14 Instructions given to the French agents and to the United States military authorities at New Orleans. 710
291 do Jan. 23 The military situation 711
269 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Feb. 13 The alleged attempt of France to separate Texas. Schemes and efforts of insurgent emissaries in Europe. 711
300 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Feb. 14 Acknowledgment of information given by Mr. Dayton. 712
302 do Feb. 16 The French proposition of mediation 712
304 do Feb. 20 Authority conferred on the President to issue letters of marque. 713
276 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Feb. 23 The condition of affairs in Poland 713
277 do Feb. 26 The answer to the proposition of mediation. Reply of Mr. Drouyn de l’Huys. 714
279 do Feb. 26 Address of the Protestant clergy of France 714
308 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. March 2 The alleged design to separate Texas 716
309 do March 2 Close of the session of Congress. Its measures. 716
282 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. March 5 Colored emigrants to European colonies 717
285 do. March 11 The speech of M. Billault on the French invasion of Mexico. 717
286 do March 13 The £3,000,000 loan of the insurgents 718
315 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. March 14 Address of the Protestant clergy of France 718
319 do March 16 The French project of mediation 718
287 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. March 20 Letters of marque and reprisal. The unfounded allegations of alienation between Mr. Mercier and the United States government. 719
289 do March 20 The £3,000,000 loan of the insurgents. The appeal of the Protestant clergy of France. 719
290 do March 21 The purchase of cotton by neutrals in southern ports. 721
322 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. March 26 The condition of public affairs and public sentiment in the United States. The unfounded statements of differences with Mr. Mercier. 721
292 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. March 27 The congressional resolutions in regard to foreign intervention. 722
293 do March 27 The £3,000,000 loan of the insurgents 723
325 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. April 7 The state of public affairs in the United States. 723
327 do April 8 Foreign intervention. The government and people of the United States are and will remain steadfastly opposed to it. 723
328 do April 8 Affairs in Poland 724
297 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. April 9 Letters of marque and reprisal. The Polish and Mexican questions. 724
331 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. April 15 The loan of the insurgents 726
299 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. April 15 Alleged entrance of a piratical steamer into French waters. 727
335 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. April 17 Regulations in regard to the purchase of cotton, &c., by neutrals. 727
300 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. April 20 The alleged entrance of a piratical steamer into French waters. 728
301 do April 24 Complaint of the certificate given by Mr. Adams to Howell and Zerman. French purposes in Mexico. 729
336 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. April 24 Letters of marque and reprisal. The course of the French government in regard to the United States. Relations between the two countries as affected by Polish and Mexican affairs. 732
302 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. April 27 The certificate given by Mr. Adams. The course of France in regard to affairs in the United States. 733
303 do May 1 The postal convention at Paris. Arrival of Mr. Kasson, the United States commissioner. The alleged loan of 8,000,000 francs negotiated by the insurgents. Explanations referring to Mr. Adams. 734
340 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. May 5 The entrance of the Japan or Virginia into French waters. 735
341 do May 8 Relations between the United States and France as affected by questions arising out of French operations in Mexico. 735
342 do May 11 Reply to proposal of co-operation in the action of France with regard to affairs in Poland. 737
343 do May 14 The proceedings of the Japan or Virginia 739
307 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. May 15 Letters of marque and reprisal. French observance of the obligations of neutrality. 739
345 Mr. Seward to Mr Dayton. May 18 Relations with Great Britain 740
346 do May 18 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Dayton with regard to Mr. Adams. 740
348 do May 23 The blockade of Matamoras 740
309 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. May 29 Satisfactory result of explanations in regard to the certificate given Howell and Zerman 741
310 do May 29 The reply to the proposal of co-operation in regard to affairs in Poland. The elections in France. Movements of emissaries of the insurgents. 741
311 do May 29 The quotation of American stocks on the French Bourse. Endeavors to observe the obligations of neutrality, and at the same time not to neglect customary international courtesies. 742
314 do June 11 Movements of emissaries of the insurgents Affairs in Mexico. 743
355 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. June 12 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Dayton in regard to letters of marque. 743
357 do June 12 The observance of the obligations of neutrality, and the usages of international courtesy. 743
358 do June 12 The certificate given by Mr. Adams 744
359 do June 12 The Polish question. The military situation in the United States. 744
316 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. June 17 The Emperor’s letter to General Forey on the capture of Puebla. 745
362 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. June 20 Public sentiment in France 745
320 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. June 26 Refusal to permit the stocks of the United States to be quoted in the French Bourse. 746
321 do June 26 Efforts of emissaries of the insurgents 746
322 do June 29 The President’s proclamation in regard to claims for exemption from the draft on the ground of alienage. 748
323 do July 2 The statements of Messrs. Roebuck and Lindsay in regard to the recognition of the insurgents. 749
368 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. July 8 Rumored projects of intervention 751
325 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. July 10 The statements of Messrs. Roebuck and Lindsay, and the condition of public opinion in Europe in regard to affairs in the United States. 752
370 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. July 11 The rumored projects of intervention or recognition. 752
371 do July 1 The quotation of United States stocks on the French Bourse. 753
372 do July 13 The rumors of intervention and the declarations of the French government. 753
326 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. July 17 European opinions in regard to American affairs. The Polish question. 753
374 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. July 17 The statements of Messrs. Roebuck and Lindsay and the correction made by the Moniteur. 754
376 do July 20 . The President’s proclamation concerning the liability of emigrants to the United States to perform military service. 755
377 do July 24 Erroneous opinions in Europe respecting affairs in the United States. 756
378 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. July 25 Alleged design of the French upon the independence of Ecuador. 756
329 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. July 30 The conversation of the Emperor with Messrs. Roebuck and Lindsay in regard to recognition. 757
331 do Aug. 4 Alleged design to get out under French papers and flag the steam rams building at Liverpool for the insurgents. 758
332 do Aug. 4 Favorable change in public opinion in Europe. Hopes of the sympathizers with the insurgents based upon mob violence. 758
333 do Aug. 5 The statement of Mr. Roebuck in regard to his conversation with the Emperor. 759
386 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Aug. 18 The alleged design to get out under French papers and flag the steam rams building at Liverpool for the insurgents. 759
336 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Aug. 21 The alleged design of the French upon the independence of Ecuador. 759
334 do Aug. 20 The explanation of the Moniteur respecting the conversation of the Emperor with Messrs. Roebuck and Lindsay. 760
337 do Aug. 25 The pirate Florida at Brest 761
338 do Aug. 27 The steam rams building at Liverpool for the insurgents. 762
339 do Aug. 27 The pirate Florida at Brest 763
390 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Aug. 31 The course of events in Mexico 764
391 do Sept. 1 Proceedings of the United States minister in Salvador in regard to French and British interests there. 764
340 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Sept. 1 The statement of the crew of the Anglo-Saxon burned at sea by the Florida. 764
341 do Sept. 3 The conduct and prospects of the piratical steamer Florida. 766
392 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Sept. 7 The views of the Emperor’s government inregard to Central America and Mexico. 768
393 do Sept. 8 The explanation of the Moniteur concerning the Emperor’s conversation with Messrs. Roebuck and Lindsay. 768
394 do Sept. 10 The action of the French government in regard to the Florida. 768
395 do Sept. 11 The steam rams building at Liverpool for the insurgents. 758
Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Sept. 11 The designs of the Florida 769
345 do Sept. 14 Conversation with Mr. Drouyn de L’Huys in regard to rumors of recognition and of negotiation with the insurgents by the French government, and in regard to rumors of hostile purposes of the United States towards the French in Mexico. 769
346 do Sept. 17 The condition and designs of the Florida 771
347 do Sept. 16 The unfounded rumors concerning the respective designs of the French and United States governments. 772
348 do Sept. 18 The condition and designs of the Florida 773
349 do Sept. 18 War vessels building at Bordeaux and Nantes for the insurgents. 773
399 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Sept. 19 The Florida at Brest 774
400 do Sept. 21 The proceedings of the French in Mexico 774
401 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Sept. 22 Communications from agents of the regency and from disaffected Mexicans. 775
404 do Sept. 23 The Florida at Brest 778
350 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Sept. 24 The vessels building at Bordeaux and Nantes for the insurgents. 778
351 do Sept. 24 The piratical vessel Southerner at Malta 780
352 do Sept. 25 Proceedings of the minister of the United States in Salvador in reference to French interests. 780
405 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Sept. 25 Information obtained by the consul at Paris. 781
406 do Sept. 26 The attitude of France in regard to the civil war in the United States, and the relation of France towards Mexico. 781
409 do Oct. 1 The war vessels building in French ports for the insurgents. 784
354 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 1 The condition and prospects of the Florida 784
353 do Oct. 1 The same subject 784
410 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Oct. 5 The general state of the relations between France and the United States. 785
357 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 6 The piractical steamer Southerner 786
359 do Oct. 8 The Florida 787
360 do Oct. 8 The vessels building at Bordeaux and Nantes for the insurgents. 788
361 do Oct. 9 The policy of France in Mexico 789
411 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Oct. 9 The vessels building at Bordeaux and Nantes for the insurgents. 790
412 do Oct. 10 Proceedings of the minister of the United States in Salvador in reference to French interests. 790
413 do Oct. 10 The piratical steamer Southerner 791
363 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 16 The vessels building at Bordeaux and Nantes for the insurgents. 791
364 do Oct. 16 The vessels building at Bordeaux and Nantes for the insurgents. 793
415 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Oct. 20 The piractical steamer Southerner 795
416 do Oct. 21 The vessels building at Bordeaux and Nantes for the insurgents. 795
365 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 21 Proceedings of the French government in regard to the Florida and Kearsarge. 795
366 do Oct. 21 Bequest of the French government for permission to take the tobacco purchased by it in Virginia prior to the war. 797
367 do Oct. 22 The steamers building at Bordeaux and Nantes for the insurgents. 797
417 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Oct. 23 Mexican affairs 798
418 do Oct. 23 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Dayton 799
368 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 23 Orders given by the French government to stop the fitting out of the vessels for the insurgents at Bordeaux and Nantes. 800
420 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Oct. 24 The action of the French government in regard to the Florida. 801
421 do Oct. 24 The same subject 801
422 do Oct. 24 The vessels at Nantes and Bordeaux. Action of the United States government heretofore in reference to privateers in United States ports. 802
370 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 27 The same subject 802
425 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Nov. 1 The same subject 803
372 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Nov. 6 The action of the French government in regard to the Florida at Brest and the Georgia at Cherbourg. 803
432 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Nov. 21 The same subject 807
Mr. Seward to Viscount Treilhard. Oct. 13 Proceedings of United States authorities in New Orleans in regard to property of French citizens. 808
Do Oct. 16 The same subject 808
Mr. Mercier to Mr. Seward. Oct. 31 Claims for exemption from military service on the ground of alienage. 808
Mr. Seward to Mr. Mercier. Nov. 4 The same subject 811
Mr. Mercier to Mr. Seward. Nov. 6 The same subject 812
Do Nov. 6 The case of François Bougére and his claim for 72 slaves. 813
Mr. Seward to Mr. Mercier. Nov. 8 The same subject 816
Do Nov. 10 Claims for exemption from draft on the ground of alienage. 818
Mr. Mercier to Mr. Seward. Nov. 14 Proceedings of the United States authorities at New Orleans in regard to property of French citizens. 819
Do Nov. 15 The case of François Bougére 820
Mr. Seward to Mr. Mercier. Dec. 16 Imprisonment of alleged French subjects at New Orleans. 820
Mr. Mercier to Mr. Seward. Jan. 5 The case of François Bougére 821
Do Jan. 17 The case of Rochereau & Co., Jeannet, Questier & Co., and Levvis, French subjects at New Orleans. 825
Mr. Seward to Mr. Mercier. Feb. 24 The case of Charles Heidsick 826
Do Mar. 5 The case of Rochereau & Co 828
Mr. Mercier to Mr. Seward. Mar. 7 The case of François Bougére 829
Mr. Drouyn de l’Huys to Mr. Mercier. April 23 Proposition of co-operation of the United States government in reference to affairs in Poland. 829
Mr. Seward to Mr. Mercier. June 24 The case of François Bougére 831
Do June 30 Claims of French subjects of injuries to per son or property. 835
Mr. Drouyn de l’Huys to Mr. Mercier. Aug. 20 The iron-clad vessels building at Liverpool 836
Do Sept. 15 Unfounded reports in regard to the proposed action of the French and United States governments. 836
Viscount Treilhard to Mr. Seward. Sept. 17 Proceedings of the military authorities in New Orleans. 838
Mr. Seward to Viscount Treilhard. Sept. 29 The same subject 838
371 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 29 The Georgia at Cherbourg, the Florida at Brest. 1321
373 do Nov. 6 The opening of the French Chambers; speech of the Emperor; the proposed European congress. 1321
427 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Nov. 9 Case of the Florida 1325
428 do Nov. 10 The exportation from Richmond of tobacco belonging to the French government. 1325
429 do Nov. 10 The withdrawal of the authorization for building iron-clad steamers at Bordeaux. 1326
374 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Nov. 13 The same subject. The proposed congress 1326
430 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Nov. 14 The exportation from Richmond of tobacco belonging to the French government. 1327
431 do Nov. 16 Correspondence during the Crimean war in regard to the equipment of privateers. Cases of the Florida and Georgia. 1327
434 do Nov. 25 The same subject 1328
437 do Nov. 28 Copy of instructions to Major General Banks in regard to proceedings on the Mexican frontiers. Copy of instructions to Mr. Corwin. 1328


[Page X]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
16 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward. Oct. 29 Conversation with Prince Gortchacow concerning American affairs. 839
18 do Nov. 11 The French proposition of intervention in American affairs. 841
19 do Nov. 12 The same subject 843
20 do Nov. 15 The same subject 844
21 do Nov. 28 The same subject 846
9 Mr. Seward to Mr. Taylor. Dec. 7 The same subject 847
22 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward. Dec. 17 Russian views of the American insurrection 848
23 do Dec. 19 The proposed telegraphic communication between the United States and the Russian dominions. 850
10 Mr. Seward to Mr. Taylor. Dec. 23 Progress of affairs in the United States, and European ideas concerning them. 851
24 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward. Dec. 31 The same subject 852
13 Mr. Seward to Mr. Taylor. Jan. 14 The proposed telegraphic communication between the United States and the Russian dominions. 854
14 do Jan. 14 The military situation 855
27 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward. Jan. 21 The policy of Russia in regard to the United States. 855
15 Mr. Seward to Mr. Taylor. Jan. 23 The military situation 857
28 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward. Jan. 27 The Russian opinion of the President’s proclamation of emancipation. 858
Mr. Seward to Mr. Taylor. Feb. 18 Diplomatic communications between France, Russia, and Great Britain, in regard to American affairs. 860
18 do Feb. 25 Comments of the Russian press on the President’s proclamation. 861
30 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward. March 3 Intercepted despatch from J. P. Benjamin to L. Q. C. Lamar. 861
34 do March 3 The policy of Russia in regard to American affairs. 864
2 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. March 31 The intercepted despatch from J. P. Benjamin to L. Q. C. Lamar. 865
35 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward. April 20 Acknowledgment of despatches, congressional resolutions, medals, &c. Manifesto in relation to Poland. Increase of prestige of United States in Europe. 865
3 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. May 7 Reception by the Emperor and Prince Gortchacow. 866
8 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. May 11 The Polish question 867
4 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. May 19 The same subject 867
5 do May 19 The proposed telegraphic communication between the United States and the Russian dominions. 868
8 do June 2 The reply of the United States government to the French proposition of co-operation in regard to Polish affairs. 870
15 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. June 6 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Clay 871
18 do June 12 The Polish question 872
19 do June 16 The proposed telegraph 872
10 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. June 17 The reply to the French proposition in regard to the Polish question. The proposed telegraph. 872
9 do June 7 Response of the Russian government to the reply of the United States to France in regard to Poland. 873
20 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. June 19 Acknowledgment of despatches 874
23 do June 29 The same 874
24 do June 30 The same 874
25 do July 2 Acknowledgment of the response of Prince Gortchacow to the reply of the United States to France in regard to Poland. 875
27 do July 13 The same subject. The proposed telegraph 875
31 do Aug. 12 The Polish question 875
19 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. Sept. 2 Russian military and naval preparations. The policy of the United States government in regard to the insurrection and the subject of slavery. 875
34 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. Sept. 3 Acknowledgement of despatches 876
35 do Sept. 5 The Polish question 876
[Page XI]


[Page XII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
66 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Nov. 19 The policy of the European powers in regard to American affairs. Condition of the Netherlands. 877
80 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Dec. 6 European projects of intervention 877
68 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Dec. 17 Financial measures of the United States government. 878
81 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Dec. 23 European projects of intervention 878
Circular Dec. 24 Information in regard to European systems of collecting revenues. 878
69 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Dec. 24 Financial measures of the United States government. 879
70 do Dec. 31 European opinions in regard to American affairs. 879
Jan. 3 The President’s proclamation of emancipation. 880
84 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Jan. 5 Acknowledgement of information 882
86 do Jan. 14 The same 882
72 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Jan. 14 European opinions of American affairs 882
87 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Feb. 4 Progress of affairs in the United States 883
74 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Feb. 4 Change in the cabinet of Holland. Opinions in Europe on American questions. 883
75 do Feb. 11 Information in regard to European systems of collecting revenue. Financial measures of the United States. 884
76 do Feb. 18 European interests as affected by the war. Consequent effects upon opinion. 885
77 do Feb. 25 Increasing confidence in American securities. Proposed financial measures. The employment of colored troops. 886
89 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Feb. 28 Close of the session of Congress 887
90 do March 2 Condition of affairs in the United States. Impossibility of conforming the policy of the government to views and wishes of European statesmen. 887
78 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. March 4 Financial measures of the United States government. 888
March 9 Concurrent resolutions of Congress concerning foreign intervention. 889
91 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. March 12 The improbability of European intervention. 890
94 do March 25 Growth of popular confidence and favorable change in public opinion. 891
82 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. April 8 Investments in United States stocks by European capitalists. 891
96 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. April 13 Acknowledgement of information 892
84 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. April 22 The proposed postal convention at Paris. State of European opinion of affairs in the United States. 892
85 do May 6 The same subject. Acknowledgment of despatches, medal, &c. 893
87 do May 20 The Scheldt dues. The Polish question. The military movements in Louisiana. 893
103 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. June 8 The same subjects 894
88 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. June 10 Condition of Holland. European opinions of the probable result of the American contest. 894
Circular June 16 The military situation 895
89 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. June 25 The interview of Messrs. Roebuck and Lindsay with the Emperor of the French. The Alexandra case. Opinions dependent on the success of military operations. 895
106 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. June 30 Acknowledgement of information 896
109 do July 13 The military situation 896
93 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. July 15 Fluctuations of opinion created by military events. Ministerial crisis in the Netherlands. 897
94 do July 22 The effect of the news of the successes at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. 898
111 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. July 24 The validity of rogatory commissions of foreign magistrates in the Netherlands. 898
95 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. July 29 The Polish question. Favorable change in opinion regarding American affairs. 899
112 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. July 29 Progress of affairs in the United States 899
115 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Pike. Aug. 15 Acknowledgment of despatches 900
117 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Sept. 4 European political affairs 900
97 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Aug. 19 Discouragement of sympathizers with the insurgents. The Mexican question. 900
99 do Sept. 2 The Frankfort conference. The Mexican question. 901
118 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Sept. 5 Progress of affairs in the United States. Condition of affairs in Mexico. 902
121 do Sept. 19 Acknowledgment of information 903
125 do Oct. 10 Foreign opinions concerning the insurrection 903


[Page XIII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
24 Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. Aug. 23 Interview with Prince Kung. Conversation in regard to relations between the United States and China. State of Chinese affairs. 904
26 do Oct. 25 Correspondence with Prince Kung. The consulates of the United States at the treaty ports. 905
28 do Oct. 27 National flag adopted by the Chinese government. 911
22 Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. Dec 9 Acknowledgement of despatches 912
29 Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. Dec 12 Regulations for trade in the river Yangtsye 912
30 do Dec 10 Case of the American bark Agnes 916
31 do Dec. 12 1863. Correspondence with the Chinese government in regard to consuls in the treaty ports. 918
32 do Jan. 12 The case of the American bark Agnes 920
33 Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. Jan. 29 Letter of the Emperor of China to the President of the United States. 922
24 Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. Feb. 4 The adoption of a national flag by the Chinese government 924
25 do Feb. 4 The consuls at the treaty ports 924
26 do Feb. 4 The death of General Ward 925
27 do Feb. 28 The organization of the legation, and the consular establishment in China. 925
28 do Mar. 2 Regulations for trade 926
29 do Mar. 2 The case of the bark Agnes 926
30 do Mar. 3 The consuls at the treaty ports 926
31 do Mar. 30 The case of the bark Agnes 927
36 Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. April 18 Proposed cession of a portion of the city of Ningpo to the French. Opposed by the British and American representatives. 927
37 do May 15 The municipal government of Shanghai 934
38 do May 16 Arrival of Colonel Raasloff, the Danish chargé 935
39 do May 18 Recommendation of the appointment of a consul general at Shanghai. 936
41 do June 11 Denial by the Chinese government of the pretence that steamers building in England are intended for China. 937
42 do June 20 Co-operation of the representatives of the treaty Powers in China. 937
43 do June 21 Correspondence with the Russian minister on his departure from Peking. 941
44 do June 23 The case of General Burgevine 942
45 do June 25 The opening of a new gate in the walls of Shanghai, and the improvement of its sanitary condition. 953
46 do June 26 Extension of the time in which to re-export native produce. 954
47 do July 2 Correspondence with Prince Wittgenstein as to the waiver of the time within which a Prussian minister cannot by existing treaties reside in Peking. 956
48 do July 10 Conclusion of a treaty between China and Denmark. 958
34 Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. Sept. 2 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Burlingame 959
35 do Sept. 2 The municipal arrangement for the government of Shanghai. 959
36 do Sept. 2 The mission of Colonel Raasloff, the Danish chargé d’affaires. 960
38 do Sept. 4 Modification of the treaty of June 18, 1858 960
39 do Sept. 8 The steamers purchased in England for the Emperor of China. 960
40 do Sept. 9 The policy of co-operation between diplomatic representatives of western Powers in China. 960
41 do Sept. 12 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Burlingame 961
42 do Sept. 18 Acknowledgment of the autograph letter of the Emperor of China to the President of the United States. 961
43 do Sept. 28 Acknowledgment of despatches and approval of proceedings. 961
44 do Sept. 28 The same 961
45 do Oct. 26 The Danish treaty with China 962
46 do Nov. 13 The same subject. Thanks of the Danish government for the assistance rendered by Mr. Burlingame. 962
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[Page XV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
2 Mr. Koerner to Mr. Seward. Nov. 6 Official reception by the Queen and the minister of foreign affairs. 963
12 Mr. Seward to Mr. Koerner. Dec. 5 Effects of the war upon slavery. Spanish interest in the question. 965
16 do Dec. 8 The prohibition of American vessels-of-war at Havana from communicating with the shore. 966
20 do Dec. 18 Proceedings of Spanish vessels-of-war at 966
1863. New Orleans.
27 do Jan. 30 The admission of the pirate Florida into the port of Havana. The stopping of the United States despatch-boat Reaney by a Spanish frigate. 967
32 do Feb. 28 Proceedings of Spanish vessels at New Orleans. Rescinding of the order forbidding United States ships-of-war to communicate with the port of Havana. 970
26 Mr. Koerner to Mr. Seward. Mar. 1 The admission of the pirate Florida into port at the Havana, and stoppage of the United States despatch-boat Reaney by a Spanish frigate. Change in the ministry in Spain. 970
37 Mr. Seward to Mr. Koerner. Mar. 21 The prohibition of United States vessels-of-war from communicating with Havana. 971
32 Mr. Koerner to Mr. Seward. April 4 The same subject, and the stoppage of the United States despatch-boat Reaney by a Spanish frigate. Correspondence with the Marquis of Miraflores. 972
35 do April 11 Conversation with the Marquis of Miraflores on the nature and objects of the insurrection. The new ministry in Spain. Note in regard to the admission of the Florida at Havana and the stopping of the Reaney. 975
36 do April 11 The prohibition of United States ships-of-war from communicating with Havana. The postal conference at Paris. Blockade runners at the Canary islands. 978
44 do May 23 The case of the Reaney. Address of citizens of Barcelona to the President in regard to the proclamation of emancipation. 978
Circular June 16 The military situation 979
93 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. July 5 A suspicious steamer under the Chinese flag at Teneriffe. 979
1 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. July 24 Acknowledgement of information 981
103 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. July 29 The effect in Europe of news of military successes of the United States government. 981
3 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Aug. 10 The intrigues of the insurgents for recognition by Spain. Question of maritime jurisdiction. 982
4 do Aug. 10 European discussions of projects of recognition. 982
5 do Aug. 14 Reported disavowal by the Spanish government of any design to recognize the insurgents. The question of maritime jurisdiction. 983
50 do Aug. 31 The military situation. The New York riot subdued. 984
7 do Sept. 3 The assurance given by the Spanish government of its adherence to the policy of withholding recognition from the insurgents. Relations of slavery to the insurrection. 984
10 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Sept. 21 Events in Mexico 985
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Sept. 3 Quarantine regulations at New Orleans 985
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. Sept. 10 The same subject 987
Do Nov. 3 Complaint of alleged proceedings of Spanish vessels-of-war at New Orleans. 988
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Nov. 5 The same subject 988
Do Nov. 26 The prohibition of Spanish vessels-of-war from passing above the forts at New Orleans. 988
Do Mar. 17 Protest against censures of the action of the Spanish consul in regard to affairs at Charleston. 990
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. Mar. 20 The same subject 991
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Mar. 27 The prohibition of United States vessels-of-war from communicating with Havana. 991
Do June 5 Explanations in reference to asylum given to political refugees on board Spanish vessels-of-war at New Orleans. 992
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. July 2 The proceedings of the Spanish vessels-of-war at New Orleans. 993
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. July 9 The same subject 995
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. July 18 The same subject 996


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
17 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Jan. 27 Condition of political affairs in Europe 997
30 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. Feb. 26 Acknowledgment of preceding despatch 1000
Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. June 1 Condition of political affairs in Europe 1001
37 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. July 14 The Polish insurrection. The military situation in the United States. 1004
38 do July 25 The same subject 1005
34 do June 20 Progress of events in the United States 1005
31 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Aug. 17 The offer of the imperial crown of Mexico to the Archduke Maximilian. Conversation with Count Rechberg. 1005
41 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. Sept. 11 The position of the United States in regard to the Mexican question. 1007
33 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Sept. 14 The congress of German sovereigns at Frankfort. 1008
42 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. Sept. 22 The military situation 1015
43 do Sept. 26 Events in Mexico 1015
44 do Oct. 5 The congress of sovereigns at Frankfort 1015
45 do Oct. 9 Events in Mexico and position of the United States in regard to them. 1016
[Page XVI]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1 Mr. Kreismann to Mr. Seward. Aug. 1 The policy of emancipation and its effects upon European opinion. 1019
44 Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd. Dec. 1 The case of the Essex. Acknowledgment of manifestations of friendly feeling by the government of Prussia. 1019
Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward. Jan. 22 The proclamation of emancipation 1020
49 Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd. March 7 The cases of persons naturalized in the United States returning to Europe to avoid military duty, and then claiming the protection of the United States government. 1020
41 Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward. March 30 The joint resolutions of Congress on the subject of foreign intervention. 1021
54 Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd. June 6 Claims of exemption from military service abroad by persons who are evading military service at home. 1021
57 do July 14 Political events in Prussia 1021
Mr. Kreismann to Mr. Seward. July 20 Military successes of the United States government. 1022
8 do July 25 The same subject 1022
9 do Aug. 5 The outbreak in New York 1023
2 Mr. Seward to Mr. Kreismann. Aug. 11 Claimants for exemption from military service. 1023
12 Mr. Kreismann to Mr. Seward. Aug. 22 The congress of German sovereigns at Frankfort. 1023
51 Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward. Sept. 9 The statistical congress. Arrival of Mr. Ruggles. The congress of sovereigns at Frankfort. 1025
4 Mr. Seward to Mr. Kreismann. Sept. 13 The congress of sovereigns at Frankfort 1026
Circular. Sept. 28 The military situation 1026


[Page XVII][Page XVIII][Page XIX]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
22 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. May 26 A new minister of foreign affairs appointed. Hostility towards foreigners on the part of the people. 1027
23 do June 9 Correspondence with the British chargé d’affaires. 1028
24 do June 9 Cordial relations existing between the ministers of Great Britain, France and the United States, in Japan. Disaster to the French steamer Dordagne. 1029
25 do June 21 Proposals of the Japanese government to have persons instructed at the American legation in the English language, in order to facilitate diplomatic business. 1032
31 do June 30 Another attack on the British legation. Murder of two sentinels. Proceedings of the Japanese authorities. 1033
35 do July 2 Instruction of Japanese officials in the English language at the American legation. 1038
36 do July 21 Duties on articles used in the preparation of teas for export. 1039
37 do July 8 The murder of the guards of the British legation. 1040
38 do July 5 Withdrawal of the British charge d’affaires from Yedo to Yokohama. 1042
13 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Aug. 7 Reception of Mr. Pruyn. Communication to the minister of foreign affairs. 1042
41 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Aug. 27 The postponement of the exercise of the treaty right of American citizens to reside in Yedo, and of the opening of certain ports. 1042
45 do Sept. 1 The return of a sword stolen from the Japanese envoys while in Baltimore. 1043
47 do Sept. 10 Result of the investigation made by the Japanese authorities in reference to the attack on the British legation. 1045
14 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Sept. 15 The relations between the ministers of Great Britain, France, and the United States in Japan. 1047
50 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Sept. 18 Outrage by retainers of the Prince of Satsuma. Murder of Mr. Richardson. 1048
19 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Sept. 25 The change in the Japanese department of foreign affairs. 1052
20 I do Sept. 25 The Japanese pupils at the legation of the United States. 1052
21 do Sept. 25 The withdrawal of diplomatic representatives of other powers from Yedo. 1053
22 do Sept. 25 Relations between the Japanese government and the legation of the United States. 1053
24 do Sept. 25 The attack on the British legation and murder of two sentinels. 1053
26 do Dec. 2 The postponement of the stipulated opening of additional ports. 1054
29 do Dec. 13 The outrage by the retainers of the Prince of Satsuma. 1054
63 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Dec. 16 Loss of the American bark. Chevalier on the coast of Japan; kindness of the Japanese to the officers and crew. Proffer of aid of a steamer by the French minister. 1055
1 do Jan. 10 Threatened attack on the foreign legations 1062
2 do Jan. 14 The murder of two British sailors. Demands of the British government. Murder of Mr. Richardson. 1063
32 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Jan. 20 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Pruyn 1064
8 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Jan. 27 The attack on the British legation 1064
33 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Jan. 31 Approval of the course of Mr. Pruyn 1065
35 do Jan. 31 The attack on the British legation 1066
10 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Feb. 16 Hostile feeling against foreigners. Removal of the legations proposed by the Japanese authorities. Letter from the Mikado to the Tycoon ordering the expulsion of foreigners. 1066
38 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. April 4 The loss of the American bark Chevalier 1070
15 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. April 10 Demands of the British government. The Tycoon summoned by the Mikado. Threatening aspect of affairs. 1071
39 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. April 17 The attack on the British legation 1074
16 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. April 30 The visit of the Tycoon to the Mikado 1074
17 do May 1 The punishment of the persons concerned in the attack on the British legation. 1076
21 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. May 3 The British demands, and the reply of the Japanese government. Interposition of the American minister invoked by the Japanese authorities. 1076
22 do May 3 The same subjects 1079
24 do May 8 Correspondence with the British and French ministers. Proffered aid to the Tycoon. Measures of coercion to be resorted to by the British and French fleets. 1088
25 do May 8 Negotiations between the British and French ministers and the Japanese ministers of foreign affairs. 1094
26 do May 11 The same subjects 1095
27 do May 12 Offer of England and France to assist the Tycoon against the daimios. Hostilities probable. The Wyoming at Kanagawa. 1096
28 do May 12 Tax on American citizens 1096
29 do May 26 Destruction of the United States legation by fire. 1097
30 do May 26 Expiration of the time fixed for the reply to the British and French proposals. 1098
41 Mr. Seward to Mr. Prayn. June 6 The proposed change in the location of the United States legation. Relations between the Mikado and Tycoon and between Japan and the treaty powers. 1099
31 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. June 12 Removal of Mr. Prayn to Yokohama. Death of one of the murderers of Mr. Heusken. 1100
32 do June 15 Correspondence with the British and French ministers in regard to the destruction of the United States legation by fire. 1102
34 do June 16 Promised compliance of the Japanese government with the British demands. 1104
35 do June 17 Friendly proffers of places of residence from representatives of France and Prussia. 1107
Mr. Seward to Mr. Prayn, (telegram.) June 18 Instructions to co-operate with representatives of other treaty powers. The Wyoming placed under the orders of Mr. Pruyn. 1107
Mr. Prayn to Mr. Seward. June 20 Communications between the daimios and the Tycoon. Proclamations of Japanese authorities. 1108
38 do June 22 Circumstances connected with the burning of the United States legation. 1115
40 do June 24 The British indemnity not paid as agreed upon. Intercourse suspended. Hostilities imminent. 1117
41 do, (teleg’m.) June 24 British indemnity paid. Foreign legations ordered by the Mikado to withdraw. 1121
42 do June 24 The orders of the Mikado and Tycoon for the closing of ports and removal of foreigners. Reply and protest of Mr. Pruyn. 1121
43 do June 25 The same subjects. The British and French replies. 1122
44 do June 26 The same subjects 1125
45 do June 27 Necessity of a ratification of the treaties by the Mikado. Suggestions in regard to military and naval movements. 1125
42 Mr. Seward to Mr Prayn. June 29 Insecurity of life and property of foreigners residing in Japan. Action of United States representatives in regard to proceedings of Great Britain. 1126
43 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. July 7 Instructions as to action in view of the critical state of affairs between treaty powers in Japan. 1126
44 do July 9 Testimonials from the President to Japanese authorities in recognition of their kindness to shipwrecked Americans. 1128
45 do July 10 The acts of violence towards American citizens. Co-operation of the treaty powers. 1128
48 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. July 24 Tax by the daimios on vessels of the United States, Holland, and France. Proceedings of the Japanese government and diplomatic representatives in relation thereto. 1129
49 do, (teleg’m.) July 24 The same subject 1141
50 do July 25 Measures for the re-opening of the inland sea by the naval force of the treaty powers. Claims of the respective governments. 1141
56 do Aug. 14 British demands for indemnity and for the surrender of the murderers of Mr. Richardson. The attack at and expedition to Simonoseki. 1142
46 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Sept. 1 Instructions in view of the destruction of the American legation by fire and in regard to its removal to Yokohama. The differences between the British government and that of Japan. The order of the Tycoon requiring foreigners to leave the empire, and the questions between Japan and the United States resulting therefrom. 1148
47 do Sept. 9 The expediency of demanding a ratification of the treaties by the Mikado. 1150
48 do Sept. 12 Acknowledgment of despatch 1150
50 do Oct. 3 The attack on the American ship Pembroke. Proceedings of Mr. Pruyn and the United States ship-of-war Wyoming. 1151


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1 Mr. Blatchford to Mr. Seward. Nov. 29 Arrival in Rome. Official reception by Cardinal Antonelli and the Pope. 1152
5 Mr. Seward to Mr. Blatchford. Dec. 23 The same subject. Approval of proceedings of Mr. Blatchford. 1153
13 do Mar. 30 Report of the resignation of the cardinal secretary of state. 1154
Mr. Blatchford to Mr. Seward. April 4 The concurrent resolutions of Congress concerning foreign intervention. 1154


[Page XX]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
59 Mr. Seward to Mr. Marsh. Nov. 18 Proposal of Colonel Cattabene to furnish four battalions of Italian troops. 1155
60 do Nov. 18 The same subject 1155
64 Mr. Seward to Mr. Marsh. Dec. 26 The same subject. Offer of General Garibaldi. The political condition of the kingdom of Italy. 1156
63 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. Dec. 31 The restoration of Mr. Canisius to the consulate at Vienna. The new ministry. 1156
69 Mr. Seward to Mr. Marsh. Feb. 4 The condition of Italy. The military situation in the United States. 1157
74 do May 7 Claims against foreign governments. The claim of Antonio Alajruo. 1157
76 do June 29 The military situation 1158
73 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. July 6 Official audience by the King. European opinion of affairs in the United States. Proposition from the British to the Italian government in reference to a declaration on the subject of the treatment of prisoners. 1159
75 do July 11 An emissary of the insurgents at Florence, with the design of using an Italian port for purposes hostile to the United States. 1160
77 Mr. Seward to Mr. Marsh. July 25 Expression of satisfaction with the reply of the Italian government to the proposition of Great Britain. European sentiment. 1162
79 do July 29 The designs of the emissaries of the insurgents discovered in Italy. Progress of military affairs in the United States. Foreign projects of intervention. 1162
81 do Aug. 22 Acknowledgment of expression of sympathy of the Italian government with the cause of the Union. 1163
Circular Sept. 28 The military situation 1164


[Page XXI]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
72 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Oct. 8 Reception of the diplomatic corps by the King on his recovery. 1165
75 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Dec. 8 Acknowledgement of information 1166
76 do Dec. 8 The same subject 1166
88 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Dec. 25 European opinion regarding American affairs and projects of intervention. Depredations of the Alabama. 1166
84 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Jan. 15 The same subjects. The military situation 1167
100 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. March 29 The congressional resolutions concerning foreign intervention. 1168
104 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. June 30 The capitalization of the Scheldt dues 1168
105 do July 9 The progress of military operations and gradual decline of the power of the insurrection. 1169
106 do July 13 Projects of recognition and intervention 1170
130 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. July 14 Audience of the King to deliver the letter of the President in regard to the award in the case of the Macedonian. 1170
112 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Sept. 3. Proceedings in regard to William Cornell Jewett. 1171
145 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Sept. 4 The progress of the war. Conversation with the King. 1171
150 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Sept. 22 The use of incendiary shells at Charleston 1173
116 do Sept. 28 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Sanford. Progress of the war. 1173


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
35 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Nov. 11 The case of the murder of American missionaries. Culture of cotton in the Turkish empire. Establishment of a censorship on books and newspapers. 1174
36 do Nov. 27 The censorship. The concession of the right of holding real estate to foreigners. Commercial regulations. The sentence of the assassins of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. 1175
37 do Dec. 4 Reply of the Turkish government in regard to the concession to foreigners of the right of holding real estate. Case of the American consulate at Beirüt. Proposed government bank in Turkey. Insecurity of life and property. 1177
42 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. Dec. 8 Sentence of the assassins of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. The Sultan’s health. Political affairs in Greece. 1181
38 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Dec. 11 Communication to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the President’s congratulations on the restoration of order in Turkish provinces. Friendly declarations of the Turkish government. The sentence of the assassins of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. 1182
43 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. Dec. 13 Fiscal condition of the Turkish empire. Culture of cotton. 1182
44 do Dec. 31 The concession to foreigners of the right to hold real estate. Sentence of the assassins of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. 1183
45 do Jan. 5 Sentence of the assassins of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. 1183
47 do Jan. 6 Concession to foreigners of the right to hold real estate. 1183
48 do Jan. 17 Prosecution of Turkish assassins of American missionaries. 1184
50 do Jan. 26 International postal regulations. Arrest of another assassin of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. 1184
51 do Feb. 2 Transmitting letter of the Secretary of the American Board of Foreign Missions in regard to the punishment of assassins of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. 1184
52 do Feb. 13 Execution of assassins of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. Ministerial changes in Turkey. 1184
54 do March 16 Ministerial changes in the Turkish government. 1185
51 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. April 30 Protection asked for American missionaries. The other assassins of the Rev. Mr. Meriam. 1185
60 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. Sept. 8 Customs reforms in Turkey. The political situation in Europe. 1187
[Page XXII]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
44 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. Nov. 17 Presentation of American pistols to the King. 1188
45 do Nov. 18 Emissaries of the insurgents in Denmark and Sweden. 1188
95 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. Jan. 5 Audience with the King. Presentation of American pistols. 1188
51 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. Jan. 17 Intercepted treasonable correspondence 1189
98 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. Jan. 20 The President’s proclamation of emancipation. 1190
100 do Jan. 27 The Hamburg International Exhibition. Imperfect information regarding the United States in Europe. 1190
54 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. Feb. 18 Acknowledgment of despatches. The Hamburg Exhibition. 1191
107 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. April 14 Resolutions of Congress in regard to foreign intervention. 1191
60 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. June 13 Acknowledgment of despatches 1192
68 do Sept. 22 The military situation 1192
126 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. Oct. 20 Falsehoods circulated in regard to affairs in the United States. 1192


[Page XXIII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
23 Mr. Thayer to Mr. Seward. Nov. 5 The cultivation of cotton in Egypt. Projected railway between Cairo and the Red Sea. Public sentiment in the east in regard to American affairs. 1193
24 do Nov. 12 The cotton crop. The Suez canal. Steamers building in England for the Viceroy. Foreign travel in Egypt. Death of Mohammed Habbat. 1194
16 Mr. Seward to Mr. Thayer. Nov. 24 The European press, and influences brought to bear upon it by emissaries of the insurgents. 1197
25 Mr. Thayer to Mr. Seward. Nov. 28 Celebration of the opening of the Isthmus canal. Steam communication with European ports. Proposed re-establishment of the port of Berenice, on the Red Sea. 1197
17 Mr. Seward to Mr. Thayer. Dec. 2 The cotton supply. The proposed railway from Cairo to the Red Sea. Reciprocal good wishes between the government of Egypt and of the United States. 1198
17½ do Dec. 15 The cotton supply. The Suez canal 1199

Mr. Thayer to Mr.


Jan. 27 Reported transportation by the French government of blacks from Egpyt to Mexico for military service. Death of Said Pacha. Reception of the consular corps by the new Viceroy, Ismail Pacha. 1199
30 do Feb. 17 Disturbances between native and foreign-born residents of Egypt. Reception of a deputation of American clergymen and missionaries by the Pacha. Present condition and resources of Egypt. 1202


Mr. Seward to Mr. Thayer. Feb. 19 Acknowledgment of despatches and approval of proceedings. 1204
19 do March 6 The accession of Ismail Pacha 1204
20 do March 23 The reception of American clergymen and missionaries by the Viceroy. 1204
32 Mr. Thayer to Mr. Seward. April 18 Visit of Sultan Abdul Aziz to Egypt 1205
33 do April 31 Conventions made by the Viceroy with the Suez Canal Company. Prospects of the canal, and views of European governments in regard to it. 1207
34 do May 8 Arrival of Captains Speke and Grant from their expedition to discover the source of the Nile. The Suez canal. 1209
21 Mr. Seward to Mr. Thayer. May 18 The Sultan’s visit to Egypt 1216
22 do. May 19 The Suez canal 1216
35 Mr. Thayer to Mr. Seward. June 9 The expedition to the sources of the Nile and the results of the discovery. 1217
36 do June 18 Destructive murrain among Egyptian cattle. Visit of Prince Napoleon to Egypt. 1218
24 Mr. Seward to Mr. Thayer. July 17 Cotton culture in Egypt 1219


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
9 Mr. McMath to Mr. Seward. April 12 Conversation with the Moorish minister of foreign affairs in regard to intervention. Hostilities between Moorish tribes at Casablanca. 1220
13 do Sept. 30 Friendly declarations of the Moorish government. Order prohibiting the entrance of vessels of the insurgents into ports of Morocco. 1223
9 Mr. Seward to Mr. McMath. Nov. 13 Acknowledgment of preceding despatch and approval of proceedings. 1228


[Page XXIV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
34 Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward. Oct. 27 The military situation. The opening of Congress. Arrests of foreigners. 1229
36 do Nov. 19 Military operations. Suspension of intercourse between the city of Mexico and the Gulf. 1231
61 Mr. Seward to Mr. Corwin. Nov. 26 Acknowledgment of despatches 1232
64 do Jan. 2 The military situation in the United States. The President’s proclamation of emancipation. 1232
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Jan. 7 The exportation of munitions of war and of mules and wagons from the United States. 1233
37 Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward. Jan. 8 The military situation in Mexico 1233
38 do Jan. 27 The siege of Puebla. Purchase of mules and wagons by the French. 1234
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Feb. 23 The case of the Noe-Daquy 1234
68 Mr. Seward to Mr. Corwin. Feb. 25 The purchase in the United States of munitions of war by the belligerents in Mexico. 1235
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Feb. 25 Case of the Noe-Daquy 1235
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Feb. 26 Complaints in regard to Mexican citizens resident in Texas and New Mexico. 1236
Do Mar. 6 Case of the Noe-Daquy 1136
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Mar. 6 The same subject 1137
39 Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward. Mar. 11 The exportation of arms, mules, and wagons from the United States to Mexico. Communications with the diplomatic corps in Mexico in regard to protection of foreign subjects resident in Mexico. 1237
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Mar. 19 European intervention in American affairs. The neutrality of the Isthmus of Panama. 1246
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Mar. 20 The same subjects 1247
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. March 21 The same subjects 1248
Do April 15 Case of the Noe-Daquy 1249
40 Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward. April 16 Exportation of arms, munitions of war, and mules and wagons from the United States to Mexico. Siege of Puebla. 1253
72 Mr. Seward to Mr. Corwin. April 18 Exportations to Mexico. The protection of foreign subjects by diplomatic representatives. 1253
41 Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward. May 1 The military situation in Mexico 1254
74 Mr. Seward to Mr. Corwin. May 12 Alleged impressments of Mexican citizens into the military service of the United States. 1255
77 do May 22 Illicit traffic across the Mexican frontier 1255
78 do June 8 The surrender of Puebla. Military operations. 1255
82 do Aug. 8 The position of the American legation in Mexico. 1256


[Page XXV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb. Oct. 21 Relations between British and European powers. Insurgent vessels in Rio de Janeiro. 1257
Do Oct. 21 Progress of affairs in the United States 1257
48 do Dec. 26 The President’s proclamation of emancipation. 1258
42 Mr. Webb to Mr. Seward. March 9 The same subject 1258
Mr. Webb to Mr. Seward. May 7 Correspondence with the Marquis d’Abrantes, in reference to the proceeding’s of the Alabama at Fernando de Noronha, and the action of the Brazilian local authorities. 1260
47 do May 23 Piratical depredations and movements of the Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, and their visits to Brazilian ports. 1265
50 do June 7 The same subject 1275
66 Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb. June 19 The same subject. The interruption of diplomatic intercourse between Brazil and Great Britain. 1277
51 Mr. Webb to Mr. Seward. June 23 Movements and depredations of the pirates Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. 1278
69 Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb. July 13 The same subject 1278
71 do July 25 The same subject 1279


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
14 Mr. Seward to Mr. Nelson. June 19 Mutual relations of the United States and other American republics. 1280
48 Mr. Nelson to Mr. Seward. Sept. 1 The same subject 1281
51 do Sept. 17 The same subject 1283
Do Jan. 15 The same subject 1285


[Page XXVI]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
162 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Oct. 11 Movements of piratical vessels and American cruisers. 1288
171 do Nov. 5 The same subject 1288
173 do Nov. 6 The same subject 1291
175 do Nov. 8 The same subject 1292
176 do Nov. 10 Conversation with the Duke de Soule in reference to the events and outrages at the Azores. Movements of American cruisers. 1294
181 do Nov. 19 Depredations of the Alabama. Stoppage of American merchant vessels. Efforts to counteract the pirates. 1296
91 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. Dec. 24 The same subjects 1297
96 do Jan. 14 The same subjects 1297
198 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Jan. 27 Additional vessels building for the insurgents. Portugese islands used to cover violations of the blockade. Suggested naval movements to counteract them. 1298
199 do Jan. 29 Depredations of the Alabama and her mode of obtaining supplies. 1299
206 do Feb. 27 Audience of the King to deliver the President’s congratulations on the royal marriage. 1300
107 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. April 1 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Harvey. Peace only possible through the restoration of the national authority throughout the republic. 1301
211 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. April 4 The facilities and inducements offered to settlers on public lands. 1301
214 do April 9 Congressional resolutions in regard to foreign intervention. 1302
218 do April 19 The same subject 1303
110 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. April 24 Affairs in Poland 1304
223 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. May 2 European projects of mediation and intervention. 1304
237 do Oct. 29 Depredations of the Georgia. Movements of American cruisers. 1305


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
23 Mr. Seward to Mr. Fogg. Aug. 14 Count Gasparin’s work on American affairs. 1307
25 do Sept. 19 The condition of Switzerland 1307
26 do Sept. 26 Information in Europe in regard to the United States. Immigration. 1307
27 do Nov. 10 Opinions in Switzerland in regard to affairs in the United States. 1308
30 Mr. Fogg to Mr. Seward. Jan. 24 The President’s proclamation of emancipation. Foreign intervention. 1308
32 Mr. Seward to Mr. Fogg. Feb. 26 Foreign projects of intervention 1309
36 Mr. Fogg to Mr. Seward. April 4 The congressional resolutions concerning foreign intervention. 1310
47 do Sept. 4 Progress of the war 1310


[Page XXVII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
23 Mr. Seward to Mr. Haldeman. Nov. 18 Insurgent emissaries in Sweden 1312
26 do Jan. 24 Presentation of American pistols to the King of Sweden and Norway. 1312
28 Mr. Haldeman to Mr. Seward. April 24 The congressional resolutions in regard to foreign intervention. Conversation with the minister of foreign affairs. Case of the Tordenskiold. The international postal conference. The American pistols presented to the King. The homestead law. The alleged emissaries of the insurgents in Sweden. Condition of political affairs in Europe. 1312
28 Mr. Seward to Mr. Haldeman. May 16 Acknowledgment of preceding despatch 1314
31 Mr. Haldeman to Mr. Seward. June 20 The President’s proclamation in regard to claims for exemption from draft on the ground of alienage. Case of the Ward Jackson. Expeditions in aid of the Polish insurrection. 1314
29 Mr. Seward to Mr. Haldeman. June 22 Approval of proceedings of Mr. Haldeman. 1315
30 do June 26 Emissaries of the insurgents in Sweden 1316
Mr. Haldeman to Mr. Seward. Aug. 9 The news of the victory at Gettysburg. The alleged emissaries of the insurgents in Sweden. 1316


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Feb. 21 Sentiments of the Tunisian government in regard to the United States. Taxation of foreign residents. 1318
do May 2 Opinions in Tunis in regard to the American war. 1319
11 do April 10 Congressional resolutions in regard to foreign intervention. Development of the power and resources of Tunis. 1319