Mr. Judd to Mr. Hunter

No. 101.]

Sir: Accompanying this I have the honor to forward an address to the President, presented to me for transmission by a committee of the “Berlin Artisans’ and Mechanics’ Union,” a very large and respectable association of men for mutual advancement and benevolence. I have properly responded to and thanked the gentlemen who delivered me the address, and I herewith enclose it with an English translation thereof, made by the secretary of this legation, Mr. Kreismann.

I also beg to enclose an address to the President, presented by a committee of the Berlin branch of the “Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiter-Verein,” an association of German workingmen, extending in branches, with a central organization at Leipzig, throughout all Germany.

These are but additional tokens of the deep and universal sympathy prevailing among the Germans of all classes for our cause and our people, and are entitled and will receive our grateful acknowledgments.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William Hunter, Acting Secretary of State, Washington.

(For enclosures see Appendix, separate volume.)