Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward

No. 174.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 173, of date May 12, I have the honor to state that I have received no answer as yet to my note to Count Mensdorff, of May 6, a copy of which was enclosed in my No. 170, of date May 8.

As I have already been informed officially, but confidentially, that the departure of the volunteers for Mexico has been prevented, (information which I immediately conveyed to you in my above-mentioned No. 173,) this delay has nothing in it surprising.

On the eve of a tremendous war, such as this, in which all Germany is almost immediately to be plunged, it is natural that there should be great press of business at the imperial royal foreign office. I have reason to suppose, moreover, that a desire on the part of the imperial royal, government to know what reply you may be pleased to make to my despatch No. 158, confidentially communicated to the imperial royal minister of foreign affairs before it was forwarded to Washington, may, in part, account for the delay. I have, of course, not intimated that there was the slightest probability of any change having been effected in the emphatic opposition on the part of the United States government to the sending of volunteers from Austria to Mexico. On the other hand, I think that you may consider it certain, as a matter of fact, that no soldiers will sail again from Austria to Mexico.

I shall be glad to be informed officially of the state of the negotiations between the United States government and that of France.

From the American newspapers I gather that the decree of the French Emperor concerning the evacuation of Mexico had been communicated to the United States government.

I know not whether the United States government has expressed its concurrence with that decision.

My latest authentic intelligence as to the negotiations with France is contained in your note to the Marquis de Montholon of February 12.

I would also observe, in passing, that the two last published volumes of the Diplomatic Correspondence, parts 3 and 4, for the year 1864, containing the correspondence with France and all other countries excepting England, has never been sent to me.

Happening to be in London at the close of last year, however, I procured a copy at the United States legation.

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I think it not superfluous to state that, according to information received from Mr. Thayer, United States consul at Trieste, the transport in which the volunteers were to have been conveyed from that port to Mexico was the French merchant ship Tampico.

I have the honor to remain sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.