Great Britain and dependencies

[459] Lodge of Gymnosophists


[460] Municipal Council of London

[461] Workingmen of London

[462] Workingmen of London

[464] International Workingmen’s Association

[466] Emancipation Society of London

[469] London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews.

[470] Argyle Square Junior Members Society

[471] Bank of British Columbia

[472] British Honduras Company

[474] Atlantic Telegraph Company

[475] Covent Garden Theatrical Fund

[476] Concord Lodge


[477] German National Verein in London

[478] American Residents of London

[481] Mauritian Colored Residents of London

[482] German Residents of London

[484] Welsh Residents of London

[485] Irish Residents of London

[486] Municipal Council of London, Canada West

[487] Inhabitants of London, Canada West

[488] Board of Trade of London, Canada West
