Baron de Varnbuler to Mr. Bierwirth


Sir: I thank you for your despatches of the 15th and 20th ultimo, in relation to the assassination of the President of the United States, Mr. Abraham Lincoln. This deplorable event has called forth from the people of Würtemberg, as it has done elsewhere, the greatest consternation and sincerest sympathy, and his Majesty the King, himself most painfully affected by the atrocious deed, has, immediately after the receipt of the news thereof, graciously commissioned me to express, for himself and in the name of his government, to the present representative of the United States, Consul Klauprecht, their sincere condolence in the great loss which, in this death, the United States and the entire civilized world have sustained, a commission which I have lost no time to execute.

Requesting you to make the proper use of this communication, I avail myself, &c.,


Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Leopold Bierwirth,
Consul General of Wurtemberg.