Italian Residents of New York City, New York


Resolutions on the death of President Lincoln offered by Professor Vincenzo Botta, at the meeting of the Italian residents of New York, held at the Cooper Institute, April 23, 1865, and unanimously approved.

In pursuance of a call from the duke of Licignano, the consul general of Italy, the Italian residents of New York held a meeting on Friday night, the 23d April, at the Cooper Institute, to express their sympathy for the American people in their national bereavement The meeting was well attended, and composed of all classes of the Italian immigration.

The following resolutions, submitted by professor Botta, were unanimously approved:

Resolved, That the meeting share with heartfelt sympathy the deep sorrow in which this nation has been plunged by the sudden death of its Chief Magistrate.

Resolved, That they share with equal intensity of feeling the horror which the infamous assassination of the President of the United States has awakened in all hearts not entirely dead to all genuine sentiments of human nature.

Resolved, That in the death of President Lincoln, they deplore the loss of an eminent statesman, who, issuing from the people, and educated in the school of free labor, has throughout the whole course of his administration shown himself the faithful exponent and true representative of the people. Simple in his life, modest, affable, meek and generous, President Lincoln, living in an age of corruption, was a lofty example of sterling integrity, placed at the helm of State [Page 671] in an unparalleled crisis, in all his political career he proved himself governed by the purest patriotism. He stood the unflinching champion of Union and liberty; preserved free institutions; restored to the nation the territory which had been usurped by traitors, and erased the dark stain of slavery which for a century has sullied the glories of the country. His memory as the defender of the American nationality and of constitutional liberty, as the emancipator of the African race, and the redeemer of the southern people deserves the unbounded veneration and the gratitude of all the world.

Resolved, That while they deprecate assassination, even when committed under the pretext of promoting the cause of liberty, they do not find words to express their sense of the iniquity of the murder of the late President of the United States. A flagrant violation of the sovereignty of the people, of whom he was the legitimate representative, perpetrated in revenge of his glorious achievements in upholding the American Union and promoting the emancipation of the slaves. The crime has no parallel in history, and deserves the unqualified abhorence of all civilized people.

Resolved, That in admiring the unanimous sentiment of loyalty which the national bereavement has awakened in the breasts of all the American people, they cordially unite with them in pledging themselves to stand by the government, faithful to the laws of the country, devoted to the Union, and ready to give their unflinching support to those measures which his worthy successor may consider expedient in order to accomplish his work, to restore order and peace, and to extirpate from all the territory of the republic slavery, which has brought on this nation the calamity of civil war, and prompted the foul crime by which it is now appalled.

Resolved, That they extend their cordial sympathy to the honorable Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, and his family, victims also of the cowardly attack; and that they offer their heartfelt condolence to the widow and the family of the deceased Chief Magistrate.

Resolved, That the Italian immigration will attend the funeral of President Lincoln to take place in this city on Tuesday next.