Count Mensdorff to Baron Wydenbruck


Baron: I have received the despatches you have done me the honor to address to me up to the 2d instant.

By one of these despatches you transmit a copy of the note of the Acting Secretary of State, Mr. William Hunter, enclosing the official announcements of the tragic events of the 14th April, and of the advent of Mr. Andrew Johnson to the presidency of the United States, as well as the answer you made to that Communication.

Having already previously had occasion to request you, baron, to signify to the government of the United States, the deep share we have taken in the calamity which has plunged the American people in sorrow; it remains now that I should ask you to express to Mr. Andrew Johnson our felicitations on the occasion of his accession, which we hope will not bring about any change in the relations, so satisfactory, which subsisted between the two countries during the presidency of Mr. Lincoln.

Please, baron, to say to Mr. Seward, when occasion may offer, how happy we are to hear of the progress of his cure, and accept the assurance of my distinguished consideration.


Baron de Wydenbruck, Washington.