Berlin Artisans’ and Mechanics’ Union


Address of the Berlin Artisans’ and Mechanic Union.

Mr. President: The undersigned, a committee chosen in the meeting of the Berlin Altgesellen-Verein, held on the 9th instant, are charged to express to you the representative of the great American republic, our profound horror and indignation at the assassination of the noble and faithful citizen, President Abraham Lincoln. Not merely the societies in Berlin, but the working-men in all Europe—we affirm it with pride—have ever frankly stood on the side of the Union in that giant struggle which the people of the United States—it is true, not without great sacrifices—have carried to a triumphant end; a struggle of labor truly free against slavery—of free labor such as we here, too, are striving for, and which in your country, in full possession of political rights, enjoys that respect which is due to it, as the source of all national wealth.

In renewing, therefore, the expressions of our sympathy for the cause of the Union, and our admiration for the noble and faithful citizen, President Lincoln, permit us, Mr. President, to utter our conviction that you, a true son of the people, will be able to achieve the fullest recognition of the principles of human rights, so that your enemies, who are ours likewise, will hereafter be deprived of all their noxious influence and power.

By direction of the Altgesellen-Verein:

  • WELEY.
  • P. RANTY.

Mr. Andrew Johnson,
President of the United States.