Count d’Avila to Mr. Harvey.


In addition to my note, dated 6th instant, I have the honor to hand you enclosed a copy of the communication which, under date of 9th instant, was sent to me by the vice-president of the Chamber of the Peers of the realm, as well as of the document, a copy of which accompanied it, containing the motion made in the session of the 5th instant, by the worthy Peer Luis Augusto Rebello da Silva—a motion in which I took part as a peer of the realm, and which was carried unanimously to the effect of having it recorded in the minutes—how deep was the pain experienced at the news of the horrible crime perpetrated on the person of Mr. Lincoln, President of the United States.

In the aforesaid document you will find that part of the minutes which refers to the subject; and I have to request that you will be pleased to make known to your government the manifestations of said Chamber on an event which all so deeply deplore.

I avail of this opportunity to renew the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.


James E. Harvey, Esq., &c., &c., &c.