
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward.

At an hour when it was no longer possible to write to Cuba by the steamer which leaves New York to-day, the undersigned yesterday received the note which the honorable Secretary of State was pleased to address to him, informing him that at New Orleans two vessels are getting ready to land negroes from the United States on the shores of that island, and by the steamer which leaves tomorrow he will communicate the news to the captain general, writing at the same time to the consuls of Spain at the south, that on their part they may ascertain what there is in this or any other affair of the like nature. In every way, and chiefly on the supposition that one of the two vessels may sail the day after to-morrow, the 11th, and that the other may follow a few days later, the undersigned invites the attention of the honorable Secretary of State to the expediency of taking measures through the authorities of the United States for the detention of these as of any others which may inspire suspicion of their being employed in that traffic. With this motive the undersigned will remark that the Virgin is, without doubt, the same vessel which, under date of April 25, was denounced to the department as suspected of intending to violate neutrality in the war of Spain with some republics on the Pacific. In any event the government of the United States may rest assured that on this as on every other occasion the authorities of Cuba, in fulfilment of orders, decisive, severe, and repeated, from the government of her Majesty, will not omit any measure for the repression of the traffic referred to.

The undersigned avails of this occasion to reiterate to the honorable Secretary of State the assurance of his highest consideration.


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.