Mr. Dix to Mr. Seward

No. 249.]

Sir: In pursuance of the instructions contained in your dispatch of the 3d instant, No. 188, which I received three days ago, I called on the Marquis de Moustier to-day, and submitted to him your proposition to enter into an agreement by treaty in regard to the naturalization of citizens of the United States and France reciprocally under their respective laws.

After stating to him substantially in your own terms the considerations in favor of such an arrangement, he said the subject was one which he had not considered, and which would need examination in his own department, and consultation with other officers of the government, and particularly with the minister of war. All this he said should be done as soon as practicable. In the course of our conversation he observed that he had not seen our treaty with North Germany, and was not aware that we had been in negotiation with Bavaria on the same subject. I am to send him to-morrow a copy of the treaty with the latter, inclosed to me in your dispatch.

The corps legislatif, as you will probably have seen ere this dispatch reaches you, has just adjourned, after a session of 254 days. The senate will also close its session shortly. The ministers have had very hard work, and will, no doubt, take very liberal vacations. The Emperor is to be at Plombières a fortnight more, and is not expected to be in Paris, except for a day or two, until October.

I fear all the circumstances will delay negotiation, should it be favorably considered. But I shall not fail to press the matter upon the attention of the imperial government.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.