
Señor Ribas to Mr. Seward.

Florencio Ribas, chargé d’affaires for Venezuela, has the honor to greet Mr. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, and inform him that he is astonished at a correspondence from Havana, in the New York Herald of yesterday, 23d of July. The Herald correspondent says that Mr. Stilwell, the American minister resident in Caracas, was obliged to leave that city for safety during certain revolutionary commotions there. I am sure you will not believe this assertion, Mr. Secretary; yet I deem it my duty, and it certainly is my pleasure to assure you there is nothing true in this, The Herald has along editorial on the subject in the same edition.

Though I am not officially informed by my government in regard to the recent lamentable events to which the Herald’s correspondent alludes, yet private letters assure me that, so far from having any fear of personal violence, the foreign representatives protected many foreign and even native families in their dwellings on the days of the contest that disturbed the people of Caracas.

I hope soon to be able to give you an official account of the occurrences in question.

I take this favorable occasion to repeat the assurances of the great consideration with which I have the honor to subscribe myself

Your very obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.