No. 322.

General Sickles to Mr. Fish

No. 146.]

Sir: This being the usual day of reception at the ministry of state, I called upon Mr. Sagasta, with the intention of expressing my hope that I might soon receive an answer to my note of the 26th ultimo. After some conversation in regard to the news of the day, his excellency himself introduced the subject by saying that the delay in his answer had been occasioned by the necessity of obtaining from the ministry of Ultramar fuller information in regard to various points that existed in the department of state; that these notes were now completed, and he would prepare his reply as soon as possible.

I said that I was very desirous to be able to transmit to my Government a satisfactory answer at the earliest possible day; adding that your dispatches on the subject had, in accordance with the custom of our Government, been communicated to Congress, and that the list of grievances presented had of course painfully impressed the public opinion; that this consideration increased the importance of an early and satisfactory solution. I referred to the official accounts of the improved situation in Cuba, and urged this as another reason for the prompt redress of existing grievances, and the prevention of their recurrence in future.

His excellency expressed his hearty assent to these views. He said as soon as he had completed his examination of the questions involed, he would invite me to a conference, and did not doubt we would come to a satisfactory arrangement.

I am, &c.,