No. 342.
Mr. Biddle to Mr. Fish.

No. 95.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit to yon herewith a copy and translation of a communication, dated the 11th instant, addressed to me by the acting minister of foreign relations, Don Manuel Gaceres, giving official information of the death on the 10th instant of Señor Doctor Don Gregorio Arbizu, the minister of foreign relations of Salvador.

Señor Arbizu died of pulmonary consumption after a protracted illness. He was a man of great ability, and, while in health, skillfully conducted his important ministry for a long period under successive governments.

The loss of two such prominent statesmen as Señors Mendez and Arbizu, within a few months of each other, and at critical periods, is severely felt, although for many months the condition of the latter was apparent.

I inclose a copy of my answer to Señor Caceres, dated the 12th instant.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Mr. Caceres to Mr. Biddle

Señor: The painful impression caused by the tragic death of the deserving Don Manuel Mendez was yet depressing the country when a new affliction has disturbed the national sensibility. Yesterday, at 10 o’clock a.m., the illustrious Señor Doctor Don Gregorio Arbizu, minister of foreign relations, died.

The whole cabinet, especially the Citizen Marshal President, in a word, the Salvadorean people, have felt, in the profoundest manner, such an irreparable loss.

Señor Arbizu, as you know, consecrated the greater part of his valuable life to his country, occupying positions of high importance, and rendering services of the first [Page 795] order. To a great soul lie united a vast intelligence and a pure heart. He was a model of virtue and an ardent patriot.

By direction of the Señor Marshal President, I comply with the sad duty to announce to you this painful intelligence, requesting you to please bring it to the knowledge of the Government which, with so much applause, you represent.

With the highest consideration, I am, &c.,

The assistant secretary of the department,

[Inclosure 2.]

Mr. Biddle to Mr. Caceres

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 11th instant, conveying the painful intelligence of the death of the eminent statesman Señor Doctor Don Gregorio Arbizu, who has for so long a period and so ably conducted the ministry of foreign relations of Salvador.

The various treaties between your republic and foreign powers negotiated by him will be living monuments to his fame for succeeding generations, and, with the illustrious Don Manuel Mendez, his name will be inscribed on the roll of honor as of those who have devoted genius, labor, fortune, and life on the altar of their country.

Transmitting the sad information to my Government, as you have requested, with the fullest expressions of condolence, and of my highest consideration,

I have, &c.,

  • Señor Don Manuel Caceres,
    Acting Minister of Foreign Relations of Salvador.