No. 30.
Mr. True to Mr. Seward.

No. 93.]

Sir: In compliance with instructions contained in “separate” circular dated 16th August, 1877, I now have the honor of forwarding such information I deem contemplated.

I find in use throughout this portion of Canada various kinds of machinery of American manufacture, and a great increase in almost all kinds of manufactured articles, particularly so in household-furniture, stoves, hardware, table-cutlery, and cotton goods of the various kinds.

In reference to the products of Canada in which trade might be increased, I will give what seems to be the general feeling here in the commercial community and also of persons crossing over here from the United States for the purpose of making purchases of live-stock.

It seems to be a very general feeling that the duties imposed upon [Page 100] live-stock are greater than is profitable to a healthy trade, by almost one-half; many sharing in the belief that free reciprocity would be preferable.

In articles of breadstuff and other farinaceous food it is claimed that the duty as now imposed is greater than they will bear, causing much to be shipped directly to Europe which would naturally seek an outlet in the United States if the rate of duty was reduced. This is especially the case with oats, pease, rye, and wheat; pease and rye being almost totally excluded from the American market by the duty as now imposed.

I am, &c.,
