No. 411.
Mr. Moran to Mr. Evarts.

No. 254.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 179 and to previous dispatches on the same subject, I have the honor to forward herewith for your information copies of a correspondence which has taken place between me and Mr. Terry and Mr. Corvo since the date of my above-named dispatch about the naval cemetery at St. Vincent.

It will be seen by Mr. Terry’s note of 20th February, 1878, that the local authorities at Porto Grande refused to erect a wall around the new cemetery at their expense; and by mine to Mr. Corvo of 4th March, 1878, that I brought this refusal rather firmly to his notice, and that he disapproved of it, and directed the wall to be built at the expense of His Majesty’s Government. This was done, and every arrangement made for the transfer of the remains of the dead from the old cemetery to the new one. But owing to sanitary causes this appears not yet to have been done. This I learn by a private letter from Mr. Terry, from whom I have not heard officially on the subject since the date of his last letter, 1st December 1878, although I am sure that the matter has his constant attention. So soon as I hear of the transfer of the remains I will report the fact to you.

It occurs to me that it would be well after the transfer has been made that our government should make a small annual appropriation to keep the cemetery in repair, otherwise it may fall into a neglected state and share the fate of the former one. Such sum should be intrusted to the consul at Santiago, with instructions for its proper application.

I have, &c.,