No. 414.
Mr. Moran to Mr. Evarts.

No. 264.]

Sir: Referring to your No. 145, I now have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a note which I addressed under your instructions to His Majesty’s Government, on the 26th of May last, expressing the most sincere thanks of the Government of the United States for the marked act of courtesy in admitting the United States frigate Constitution to the royal dock at Lisbon for repairs, to the inconvenience of the King’s service.

I have, &c.,

[Page 906]

Mr. Minister: Referring to the note which I addressed to your excellency on the 6th of April last, I have now the honor to state that immediately after that date I wrote to Mr. Evarts, giving him an account of the extraordinary courtesy shown to my government by that of His Majesty, in admitting the United States frigate Constitution to the royal dock in Lisbon, for repairs, to the inconvenience of the King’s service; and I am now instructed by Mr. Evarts to express to His Majesty’s Government, a duty which I discharge with great pleasure, the most sincere thanks of the Government of the United States, for this marked act of international courtesy.

With assurance of the highest consideration, I have, &c.,