No. 962.
Mr. Delgado to Mr. Bayard.


Mr. Minister: I have been instructed by the President of the Republic to address your Government, through your excellency, thanking it in the warmest manner for the friendly intervention of the Hon. H. C. Hall, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States near the Government of Central America, in the settlement of the question which was pending between my Government and Italy, it having grown out of a claim of Dr. Francesco Sagrini, an Italian subject.

His excellency Mr. Hall on this occasion gave fresh evidence of the zeal with which he constantly seeks to draw closer the cordial relations existing between the United States and this Republic, and, owing to his long experience, his perfect knowledge of the customs of these countries, his well-known ability as a diplomatist, and the authoritative position which he occupies on account of being the dean of the diplomatic corps accredited in Central America, greatly contributed to the final and satisfactory settlement of this extremely delicate question, which seemed likely to be followed by serious and unpleasant consequences.

Renewing to your Government, in the name of my own, the assurances of its gratitude for having instructed Mr. Hall to lend us his valuable co-operation in the settlement above mentioned, I take pleasure in reiterating to your excellency, etc.,

Manuel Delgado.