Mr. Thompson to Mr. Blaine.

No. 314.]

Sir: On Wednesday, the 9th instant, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the National Assembly of Constituents, in session at the city of Gonaïves, elected on the first ballot and unanimously, General Florvil Hyppolite, President of the Republic of Hayti, for the term of seven years.

A delegation, composed of fifteen members of such body, with Dr. Aubry at their head, reached this city yesterday, the 10th instant, and informed General Hyppolite of his election.

There was rejoicing among the entire population. The new president will leave this city for Gonaïves on the 13th or 14th instant, to take there the oath of office on the 17th instant.

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The diplomatic and consular body at Port au Prince are to have a government vessel placed at their disposition in order to go to Gonaïves to attend the ceremony. Under the circumstances, as I am at present dean of the diplomatic and consular body, I will go to Gonaïves and retain my position until after the inaugural ceremonies, for my successor not having presented any letter of credence, my absence would cause one of the chargés d’affaires in this city to head the foreign representatives, and the United States would not be represented.

I have, etc.,

John E. W. Thompson.