Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayard.


Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor, in pursuance of instructions from my Government, herewith to transmit to you the decree of the National Constituent Assembly, bearing date of the 10th ultimo, closing, provisionally, to foreign commerce the ports of St. Marc, Les Gonaïves, Port de Paix, and Cape Haytien, and abolishing the right hitherto granted of putting into the ports of La Grande Salin, Môle St. Nicolas, and Fort Liberty.

Be pleased to accept, etc.,

Stephen Preston.
Liberty. Equality. Fraternity.

republic of hayti.—decree.

Whereas every free and independent country has the right to close one or more of its ports to foreign commerce.

Therefore, the National Constituent Assembly hereby decrees as follows:

  • Art. I. The ports of St. Marc, Les Gonaïves, Port de Paix, and Cape Haytien are closed, provisionally, to foreign commerce.
  • Art. II. The right hitherto granted of entering at La Grande Saline, The Môle, and Fort Liberty is hereby abolished.
  • Art. III. The counselor of the department of finance and the counselor of the department of foreign relations shall be charged with the execution of this decree.

Done at the hall of the National Constituent Assembly, at Port au Prince, this 10th day of December, 1888, in the eighty-fifth year of Haytian independence.

President of the Assembly.


G. Labastille,

In the name of the Republic the executive of the nation hereby orders that the above decree of the National Assembly be printed, published, and executed throughout the Republic.

F. D. Légitime.

By the executive of the nation:

  • S. Rossignol,
    Counselor of the Department of Finance and Commerce.
  • Eug. Margron,
    Counselor of the Department of Foreign Relations.