Mr. Tripp to Mr. Gresham.

No. 58.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith for your information copies of correspondence between this legation and the imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs at Vienna, relative to the genuineness of a naturalization certificate issued by the municipal court of Milwaukee, Wis., to a former subject of Austria, Cajetan Kern, held by the provincial court at Linz, on suspicion of having violated the provisions of the military laws of this monarchy, and his subsequent release.

I have, etc.,

Bartlett Tripp.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 58.—Translation.]

Count Cziraky to Mr. Tripp.

A certain Cajetan Kern, of Berndet-Schlag, in Upper Austria, 25 years old, is held by the imperial royal provincial court at Linz, on suspicion of having violated paragraph 45 of the military law of April 11, 1889, No. 41.

Cajetan Kern has produced the accompanying certificate of naturalization and declared himself to be an American citizen.

The above-named court is not in a position to judge of the genuineness and validity of a document presented by a private person, issued by a foreign authority and verified by nobody, and has therefore addressed itself to this ministry in order to ascertain whether the document in question is an authentic proof of the regularly made naturalization of the above-named individual in the United States of America.

To this end, the imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs has the honor of soliciting the kind intervention of the honorable envoy of the United States, and to request him to give his opinion as early as convenient regarding the documents in question, in order that the ministry of foreign affairs be enabled to convey the desired information to the provincial court at Linz.

The undersigned avails himself, etc.,

For the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
[Page 27]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 58.]

Mr. Tripp to Count Kalnoky.

Your Excellency: Referring to the esteemed note of your excellency, No. 45033, of date November 1, 1893, in reference to the naturalization of Cajetan Kern, I have the honor to say that I am now in receipt of an abstract of the record of the municipal court of Milwaukee, Wis., in the United States of America, covering the naturalization of Cajetan Kern, and I herewith inclose for the consideration of the honorable imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs of Austria-Hungary, and for transmission to the honorable court at Linz, where proceedings are pending against the said Cajetan Kern, the copy of such record accompanied by the certificate and seal of this legation, and permit me at the same time to avail myself, etc.

Bartlett Tripp.
[Inclosure 3 in No. 58.—Translation.]

Count Cziraky to Mr. Tripp.

Sir: The imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs expresses its sincere thanks for the favored note of December 4 last, containing information in regard to the legal naturalization of a former Austrian subject, one Cajetan Kern, in the United States of America. The ministry of foreign affairs has, however, the honor to inform the honorable envoy of the United States that by a communication received in the meantime from the imperial and royal provincial court in Linz, before whom the said Cajetan Kern was called to account on suspicion of having violated the provisions of the military law, it appears that proceedings against the same have been dismissed.

The undersigned avails himself, etc.,

For the Minister of Foreign Affairs.