Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.

No. 226.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose, with translation, an extract from El Liberal of the 22d instant, indicating the course to be taken by the custom-house authorities of Cuba and Porto Rico as to imposition of tariff dues upon merchandise from the United States the moment that the new tariff bill takes effect.

I am, etc.,

Hannis Taylor.
[Page 619]
[Inclosure In No. 226.—Translation.—From El Liberal of August 22, 1894.]

As regards the new bill voted by the chambers of the United States reimposing the duties on sugar, Señor Becerra, in accord with Senor Moret, telegraphed yesterday to Gen. Calleja ordering him to communicate with the representative of Spain at Washington and with the captain-general of Porto Rico, so that on the same day and at the same hour in which the bill of the United States is put in force the old tariffs for North American products may be reestablished in both Antilles.

Mr. Gresham to Mr. Taylor.


Secretary of the Treasury holds, no doubt correctly, that our new tariff law went into effect on the 27th instant at midnight, and that the commercial arrangement under act of 1890 then terminated.
