Mr. Uhl to Mr. Risley.

No. 64.]

Sir: Referring to the Department’s instruction No. 62, of the 28th ultimo, relative to the Peary scientific expedition to Greenland, I inclose for your information a copy of a further letter on the subject from Mrs. Peary, dated the 4th instant.

[Page 209]

I will thank you to transmit a copy of Mrs. Peary’s letter to the Danish foreign office as showing the efforts she is making to comply with all the requirements of the Government of Denmark on the subject.

I am, etc.,

Edwin F. Uhl,
Acting Secretary
[Inclosure in No. 64.]

Mrs. Peary to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: I have your esteemed favor of the 28th ultimo, in which you ask for the name of the vessel which is to convey the Greenland scientific expedition of 1895 to North Greenland.

In reply I beg to state that, owing to the loss of the Falcon, the vessel which has heretofore carried several of the Peary expeditions north, and to the fact that several owners are offering their vessels for the purpose, we are unable to give the name of the ship at present.

I take the liberty of mentioning that Mr. Peary has several times visited the Greenland coast and has always secured the permission of the Danish Government and so conducted himself that the permission was always readily granted.

My brother, Mr. Emil Diebitsch, will have charge of the business affairs of the coming expedition and will see to it that the colonial regulations of the Danish Government are carefully complied with.

In view of the above facts I trust the negotiations with the Danish Government will not be delayed on account of the vessel’s name, which will be furnished as soon as we have chartered a ship.

Very respectfully,

Josephine Diebitsch-Peary