Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney.


Your demand carefully formulated and earnestly presented to the minister of state to-day in long interview. As a preliminary answer he said:

I have listened with all attention to the reading of your memorandum in reference to the Mora claim, upon which subject I can not at present give any opinion whatever nor even enter into conversation, because it is unknown to me, it being the first time I have had anything to do with it, but I promise you to study it with all haste, for which end I will ask the necessary data from the minister for the colonies, and after I shall have formed my judgment and spoken with the president of the council of ministers and the minister for the colonies, I shall call you to another interview upon the subject. I renew to you my assurance that I will give it all the prompt attention which its importance demands.

I clearly intimated I would call for a prompt and definite response should unnecessary delay intervene.
