Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham.

No. 386.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch, No. 376, of January 7, instant, relating to the unauthorized search of the residence of Rev. Mr. Lee in Marash, I have the honor to inform you that I requested in person yesterday an answer in writing to my note to the foreign minister. He informed me that the Grand Vizier had reproved the acting governor of Marash by telegram already. This I had reason to believe to be true.

I informed the foreign minister that in matters of this importance I desired the written evidence of what was done, and that a mere reproof of the acting governor did not satisfy me; that his reckless conduct showed that lie was not worthy to be trusted, and until my Government directed to the contrary his removal would alone satisfy me.

The foreign minister then in my presence dictated a note to the Grand Vizier, expressing his opinion that the acting governor should be removed, which I doubt not will be done at once.

I inclose a letter just received from Rev. Henry O. Dwight, the chief missionary here, thanking me for my action.

I have, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.
[Page 1254]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 386.]

Mr. Dwight to Mr. Terrell.

Dear Sir: Tour action to prevent molestation of the American citizens residing at Mar ash, consequent upon the recent violation of their domicile, has peculiar importance in view of the isolated position of these Americans, remote from consular protection and regarded with prejudice by Ottoman officials acting at a distance from the control of the central authority.

In a period of excitement like the present, the misuse of power by capricious and ignorant petty officials toward Americans residing in the interior of the Empire can be prevented only by a rigid enforcement, such as you have insisted upon, of the letter of the treaty obligations of Turkey to the United States regarding the liberties of American citizens.

I have the honor, therefore, to beg you to accept hearty thanks, both from myself and from my colleagues of the mission of the American Board, for your energetic and effective defense of the rights of these American citizens.

Very respectfully, yours,

Henry O. Dwight.