Mr. Adee to Mr. White.

No. 917.]

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence respecting the attitude of the Prussian Government toward American insurance companies, I have the honor to transmit herewith, for your information, copy of a letter of the 9th instant from the superintendent of the insurance department of the State of New York, in which he advises the Department that the insurance delegates sent by Prussia to the United States, and now about to return to Germany, have had many interviews with [Page 290] him and have made an inspection of the workings of his department. He states that he expressed to the delegates the hope that the American companies will be able to meet the requirements exacted by Prussia, in order that his department may readmit Prussian companies complying with the laws of the State of New York, and asks that you acquaint the proper Prussian authorities with the position of his department in this matter.

I have, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
[Inclosure in No. 917.]

Superintendent of Insurance (State of New York) to Mr. Hay.

Sir: Referring to the efforts of the American insurance companies ruled out of Prussia to obtain readmission, the subject of which has been a matter of correspondence between our respective departments, I have to advise that the Prussian delegates, who have been here to investigate and who are now about to return home, have had many interviews with me and have visited this department for an inspection of its workings, etc.

I have heretofore said publicly, and I have repeated the same to the honorable delegates from Prussia, that this department is most anxious to reestablish the good feeling which existed several years ago between the companies of the two countries and the supervising authorities, and I trust that our insurance companies will be able to meet the requirements exacted of them, thereby enabling me to admit or readmit all Prussian insurance companies complying with the laws of this State.

Trusting that the position of this department may be communicated through your department to the Prussian authorities, I have, etc.,

Louis F. Payn,
Superintendent of Insurance.