Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay.

No. 825.]

Sir: Referring to legation’s dispatch No. 790, of December 31, 1903, and Department instruction No. 319, of the 14th instant, relative to the murder of E. A. Murray, an American citizen, I have the honor to transmit herewith translation of a note received from the foreign office advising me of a decision which has been rendered by the audiencia at Camaguey, the place where the murder was committed, acquitting Manuel Fuentes Remedios, alias “Jubileo,” who had been charged with the murder, on the ground of insanity, and confining him to an asylum for the insane. The proceedings against the police officer, Serafin Monteo, who locked up the murdered man in the same cell with the insane negro, supposed to be harmlessly so, have also been dismissed, but he will be punished for negligence in the discharge of his duties.

I am, etc.,

H. G. Squiers.

Mr. Zaldo to Mr. Squiers.

Mr. Minister: Referring to the murder of Mr. E. A. Murray, in consequence of which the corresponding cause followed before the tribunals of Camaguey, where the murder occurred, I have the honor to inform your excellency that I am informed by the chief magistrate of the audiencia of that city that a decision has been handed down in said cause entirely dismissing Manuel Fuentes [Page 257] Remedios, alias “Jubileo,” principal of the crime, as his state of insanity was demonstrated, and he was, therefore, irresponsible for his acts; and that he has been ordered confined in the insane asylum. Police Officer Serafin Monteo, jailer at the police headquarters, was likewise dismissed (he being the one who, ignorant of the insanity of “Jubileo,” put him and Murray both in the same cell), inasmuch as none of his acts constituted either a crime or misdemeanor. However, the municipal mayor was informed thereof, in order that he might be administratively punished for the negligence he has shown in the discharge of his duties.

I avail myself, etc.,

Carlos de Zaldo.