Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay.

No. 294.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, on Tuesday morning, the 9th of February, of your dispatch in regard to the maintenance of the neutrality of China during the war between Russia and Japan.

Immediately upon the receipt of this message I proceeded to the Imperial German ministry for foreign affairs, where I had a personal interview with Baron von Richthofen, imperial secretary of state for foreign affairs, and communicated to him the contents of your telegram. I handed to Baron von Richthofen a memorandum, a copy of which is herewith respectfully inclosed.

Upon leaving the ministry for foreign affairs I telegraphed to you the reply of the German Government in a dispatch, a copy of the text of which, as well as a copy of the text of your dispatch to me, is hereto attached.

I have, etc.,

Charlemagne Tower.

A copy of a memorandum handed by Mr. Tower to Baron von Richthofen, imperial secretary of state for foreign affairs, on Tuesday, February 9, 1904, at 12 o’clock noon.

I am to consult his excellency as to the possibility and desirability of a joint action of the neutral powers to use their good offices with Russia and Japan, in case of actual war, in order that the neutrality of China may be respected and her administrative entity maintained in so far as possible; and also that the area of hostilities may be limited as far as it may be possible to do so and localized so as to prevent undue excitement and disturbance of the Chinese people, and to attain the least possible loss to the commerce and the peaceful intercourse of the world.

If this proposition seems acceptable to his excellency I am instructed to suggest to him that instructions may be sent in this sense to the German representatives in St. Petersburg, Tokio, and Peking.

And all the signatories of the protocol of Peking will then be consulted.

I am also to intimate to his excellency in confidence that this circular is sent at the suggestion of the German Government.