Mr. Takahira to Mr. Hay.

My Dear Mr. Secretary: Referring to our conversation this morning, in which I informed you that I had received instructions [Page 424] from my Government relative to the question of China’s neutrality, I beg to transmit herewith the context of the instructions, as follows:

You are hereby instructed to inform the Government to which you are accredited that the attitude of the Chinese Government in regard to the war between Japan and Russia has been the subject of constant observation on the part of the Imperial Government since the commencement of hostilities, and that, although they have no reason to entertain any apprehension as to China’s departing from her neutral attitude, nevertheless, in the presence of persistent rumors giving color to such apprehension, they have thought fit to instruct His Imperial Majesty’s minister at Peking to advise China to continue to observe an attitude of strict neutrality, and to use every endeavor to maintain internal good order and tranquillity.

I remain, etc.,

K. Takahira.