Mr. Russell to Mr. Hay.

No. 213.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that four of the mixed commissions for the settlement of claims have closed their sessions—French, Belgian, Mexican, and German. In my No. 212 of to-day I have given you the decision of the Mexican commission. I now inclose you a newspaper clipping with a brief account of the work of the German commission.

I am, etc.,

William W. Russell.
[Inclosure—Clipping from Venezuelan Herald.]

mixed tribunals.

The mixed German-Venezuelan tribunal has closed its sittings after four months’ sessions, during which 23 claims were presented, amounting to 5,619,031 marks; two claims amounting to 500,000 marks and one relating to the navigation of the Catatumbo for 2,400,000 marks were disallowed. Of the remaining ones which were taken into consideration, 1,673,527 marks have been awarded.