Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.

No. 47.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch, No. 20, of April 4, 1905, reporting a protest made to the Brazilian foreign office against the use by a Brazilian schooner, the Oliveira, of a flag similar to our national ensign, I inclose herewith copy of a note received under date of the 14th instant, saying that such instructions have been given as will cause the retirement of the objectionable banner and will prevent the recurrence of like incidents. I also inclose a copy of my note of acknowledgment of the same of this date.

I have, etc.,

D. E. Thompson.
[Page 99]
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Thompso.

Mr. Ambassador: With reference to my note of the 2d of March ultimo, I have the honor to inform your excellency that the minister of marine has already instructed the captain of the port of Bahia to provide for the retiring of the flag flown by the schooner Oliveira, and on the same occasion he issued a circular to the captains of the ports of the Republic, prohibiting Brazilian shipping from using ensigns which resemble the flag of any country.

I improve, etc.,

Rio Branco.
[Inclosure 2.]

Ambassador Thompson to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge receiving your excellency’s note of the 14th instant, informing me that the minister of marine has provided for the retiring of the flag resembling that of the United States flown by the schooner Oliveira, and that such instructions have been issued as will prevent its recurrence.

I thank your excellency for your promptness and courtesy in this matter, and I assure you it will be much appreciated by my government.

I improve, with pleasure, the opportunity, etc.,

D. E. Thompson.