The Chinese Minister to the Acting Secretary of State.

No. 66.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have received a telegram from the Waiwu Pu, the foreign office at Peking, of which the following is a translation:

Peking, August 14, 1905.

Chinese Minister Liang, Washington:

The grand council of state, which has just transmitted to this office copies of three imperial decrees issued this year and last with reference to the Hankau-Canton Railway authorizing Chang Chih-t’ung to take all necessary measures for the regaining of the control of the railway, [Page 134] states that, China having given Viceroy Chang authority to do what is necessary in this matter, and imperial sanction having been given to the request of Viceroy Chang presented in a special memorial that Chentung Liang-Cheng act jointly with him, Minister Liang therefore has authority to do what is necessary in this matter.

You will please act in accordance with this telegraphic instruction.

Waiwu Pu.

I shall be greatly obliged if you will be good enough to lay the above-given telegram before the President for his information.

Accept, etc.,

Chentung Liang-Cheng.