Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

No. 39.]

Sir: In further reference to the boycott of American products by the Chinese of Shanghai, I inclose herewith report of a mass meeting held on the 19th instant at Shanghai. The last phrase in this report is significant. I fancy the movement will stop the day the boy cotters begin to lose anything by the movement; until then there will be much talking and agitation.

I have, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill.
[Extract from North China Daily News of July 21, 1905.]

Notes on native affairs—The American boycott.

Very nearly 1,500 persons attended the mass meeting called on Wednesday afternoon at the Wupên Girls’ School, outside the west gate of the native city, to discuss the measures with reference to putting into operation to-day the boycott on everything American as a protest against the proposed new Chinese exclusion treaty, the period of two months having expired yesterday afternoon, the 20th of July. There were also a large number of Chinese ladies, both old and young, present, who followed with intelligent interest the speeches that were made at the meeting. This alone shows that China is indeed awakening when over a hundred ladies attend a mass meeting specially meant as an assembly of the sterner sex. Besides the members of the Chinese Educational Association and older students of twenty-odd schools there were present a large number of delegates from the chambers of commerce and kindred associations of the majority of the treaty ports and from many inland cities and towns who had come to assure the Shanghai committee of their hearty support. There were also present Messrs. Su Pao-sên and Shao Ch’ing-tao, leading members of the executive committee of the Piece Goods Guild; Sze Tse ying, of the executive committee of the Silk Guild; the chief partners of the Old Shun Kee, South Shun Kee, Ching Chan, and other hongs representing the kerosene oil trade; a partner of the Shêng Yü Hong, the leading sundries goods hong in Shanghai; a partner of the Tabaqueria Filipina, and others representing the cigarette trade; a representative of Ko Tze Hong, the leading Chinese iron and metals hong in Shanghai, and representatives from the Native Banks Guild, ginseng trade, hemp sack, flour, sea delicacies, and other trades; also representatives of leading Canton, Fukien, Plankow, and Shantung hongs, and representatives of the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Schools Association, and others too numerous to mention, making a total present at the meeting of over 1,450 men. There were quite a number of eloquent and patriotic speeches made, in which the speakers exhorted every one present to maintain a firm front to show to the world that in this instance, at any rate, there is a united China. “For,” said one gentleman (Taot’ai Ma), “some Americans have sneered at us saying that there is nothing to fear because we Chinese never can unite. Even the previous United States minister in a recent speech made the same sneering allusion. We will show by precept and example how fallacious an idea this is on the part of such Americans.” Other speakers showed how little Japan by her unity and determination had beaten her huge opponent Russia, showing the world what Asiatics are able to do when thoroughly aroused. Can not China easily do the same? Can not China by a united front and firm determination obtain her desire, also, by the repeal of the Chinese exclusion treaty? At this stage of the proceedings the members of the Piece Goods Guild came forward and swore that beginning from the 20th of July they had decided not to buy any more American piece and other goods until the purpose in view of the nation had been properly obtained. The meeting was then asked for a show of hands that beginning from the next day no one present would purchase or contract for any more goods of American manufacture. Everyone present raised his or her hand. The meeting then separated. It may be stated that a discussion ensued near the end of the meeting as to what should be done with regard to such American goods as are still in the hands of merchants and traders here. It was unanimously declared that everyone present would do his best to assist by every means in his power to get rid of their goods, so that no one need lose by the boycott.