The Haitian Minister to Acting Secretary of State Loomis.

No. 1306.]

Mr. Secretary of State: I have had the honor to receive your note of the 5th instant,a by which you advise me that Mr. Mansour Assaff has written you that the consul-general of Haiti at New York refused to visé his passport. You ask me to state the grounds for the refusal.

In reply, I can not fail to say that a law of August 10, 1903, excludes persons of Syrian origin from admission into the Haitian territory. In this connection I will take the liberty of inclosing herewith a copy of a letter I addressed on June 9, last, to the Department of State, and a copy of the reply that Mr. Loomis was good enough to send me under date of the 16th of the same month.

I am convinced in advance that the Government of the United States will not countenance violations of a law of the Republic of Haiti, for, on our part, we have never allowed Chinese persons to avail themselves of our nationality for the infringement of the measures which bar them out of your country.

By way of information I may add that Mr. Mansour Assaff had already resided in Haiti, and I can not refrain from recalling the many irregularities brought to light in the naturalization of Syrians in the United States.

I embrace, etc.,

J. N. Léger.
  1. Not printed.