Ambassador Meyer to the Secretary of State.

No. 94.]

Sir: I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your cable of June 24 instructing me that the Japanese Government wished to know whether the Russian Government would agree that the plenipotentiaries should meet in Washington during the first ten days of August and that this was in response to the President’s request that the meeting be held as soon as possible.

I communicated the same at once to Count Lamsdorff, and the next day received a reply stating that while the Emperor consented to the meeting of the Russian and Japanese plenipotentiaries during the first ten days of August, he found this date rather distant.

I am inclosing herewith copy of note of the minister for foreign affairs, dated June 25.

I have, etc.,

G. v. L. Meyer.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Meyer.

Mr. Ambassador: In response to the memorandum which your excellency has been pleased to address to me this morning, I hasten to inform you that while consenting that the Russian and Japanese plenipotentiaries shall meet at Washington during the first ten days of the month of August, his Majesty the Emperor finds this date rather distant.

I beg you, etc.,
