The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Daioson.

No. 105.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 222,a of the 24th ultimo, inclosing copies of three protests made before you as consul-general by the Clyde Steamship Line protesting (1) against the permission granted by the Dominican Government to the Norwegian steamer Flora to engage in coastwise passenger traffic; (2) against the action of that Government in exempting the Danish steamer Christianstedt from port charges because she is chartered by the Hamburg-American line; (3) against the permission granted the German steamer Präsident to engage in the coasting trade without paying the regular port charges.

The department approves your course in-filing the protests with the Dominican Government, and then awaiting instructions from this department before taking any further action.

I am, etc.,

Robert Bacon,
Acting Secretary.
  1. Not printed.