File No. 763.72119/426

The Ambassador in Austria-Hungary ( Penfield ) to the Secretary of State


1662. In reply to interpellation in Hungarian Parliament yesterday regarding President’s peace address to Senate, Minister President of Hungary, Count Tisza, said, “We are ready to greet with sympathy all endeavors to bring about peace and are therefore inclined to continue interchange of ideas with Government of the United States in concord with our allies.” He draws attention to fact that Central powers declared to enter into negotiations and in due time to propose such conditions as in their opinion would be acceptable to opponents as basis of lasting peace. However, conditions of opponents mean dismemberment of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Ottoman Empire. As long as opponents do not radically change their intentions there will be lasting difference between their standpoint and that of the President of the United States. Count Tisza refers to principle of nationality and President’s words, “every people must have guaranties of free existence, religious liberty, individual and social development,” and states that this demand is nowhere fulfilled so much as in the two halves of this monarchy.
