File No. 702.6211/265

The German Ambassador ( Bernstorff ) to the Secretary of State

J. No. B 473

Mr. Secretary of State: The Imperial Consul General Franz Bopp has been relieved by me from his office at San Francisco, Calif., until further orders. I have temporarily placed in charge of the office the Imperial Consul General Erich Zoepflel, now at Seattle, Wash. The Imperial Consul Emil Ohrt, formerly at Kobe, Japan, now detailed to the Consulate at Cincinnati, Ohio, will provisionally take charge of the Consulate in Mr. Zoepffel’s place.

I have the honor to ask that Herr Zoepffel at San Francisco and Herr Ohrt at Seattle be provisionally authorized to discharge their consular duties.

Vice Consul von Schack, at San Francisco, has likewise been provisionally relieved from his office.

Accept [etc.]

J. Bernstorff