File No. 659.119/114

The Special Representatives of the War Trade Board ( McCormick ) and of the Food Administration ( Taylor ) to the Secretary of State


For War Trade Board:

Our 4. Allies will accept following meat proposals.

Denmark. Contingent on immediate carrying out of tonnage agreement as per War Trade Board proposal exportations from Denmark to Germany limited to the following: cattle, 6,000 head per week; fish, 2,100 tons per month; horses, 2,500 per month; industrial products as per our understanding.2 Exportation to Scandinavia and Holland to be controlled. Much prefer to have agreement closed in Washington, D. C, with these provisions added to our previous agreed upon ration with a few minor changes which will be cabled promptly and on receipt of you can close.

Phosphate to Portugal and Spain; also cotton for a few weeks if legally advisable.

All neutrals must secure whatsoever wheat is allotted from Australia because Argentina must be reserved for Allies.

We will handle Swiss agreement.

  • McCormick
  • Taylor
  1. Telegram No. 10, Nov. 17 (File No. 103.96/87), reporting recommendations on other commodities, not printed.