File No. 656.119/110

The Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy ( Crawford ) to the Counselor for the Department of State ( Polk )

No. 373

My Dear Mr. Polk : With reference to our conversation of to-day the following is the substance of a telegram which we have just received from London.

[Page 1136]

In view of the fact that the Netherlands Government have returned no satisfactory reply to the urgent representations which were made to them by His Majesty’s Government with a view to the definite discontinuance of transit facilities for cement, gravel, sand, etc., between Germany and Belgium, His Majesty’s Government have been compelled to refuse facilities for the transmission of Dutch commercial cables. The Netherlands Government were some time ago warned that this action would be taken.

Mr. Balfour adds that as the matter is one which is of immediate military importance it would be of great advantage if your Government could see their way to supporting the British Government in this question.

I am [etc.]

Richard Crawford