Public Statement Issued by the Exports Administrative Board, September 13, 19171


The Exports Administrative Board has issued a list of articles for which licenses are required for shipments destined to countries other than the enemy or his allies or the neutral countries of Europe.

The board has determined that every article of commerce is included in the list of articles mentioned in the first division of the President’s proclamation of August 27,2 and will therefore require licenses when shipped to Albania, Austria-Hungary, …

For the further information of shippers the Exports Administrative Board has authorized the publication of the following list comprising articles which have already been determined to be included under the general headings mentioned in the second division of the proclamation of August 27, dealing with shipments destined to all other countries not mentioned above. Additions may be made to [Page 946] this list if it is determined that other articles are properly included in these general headings.

Export license is required at present for the following articles:

[List of approximately 800 items omitted.]

  1. The Official Bulletin, Washington, Sept. 13, 1917 (Vol. 1, No. 106), p. 3. See also statement of Oct. 3, post, p. 956.
  2. Ante, p. 933.