
The Swedish Legation to the Department of State


The Austro-German Government has communicated the following message to the Swedish Government:13

“The Commander of the Jugoslav troops in Carinthia has just made known his intention to move his headquarters to Klagenfurt and to detail Jugoslav troops to other parts of Carinthia. In spite of every effort on the part of the Austro-German authorities these proceedings would create intense excitement among the people. Bloodshed and grave disturbances would unavoidably follow. The people earnestly pray that Klagenfurt be neutralized by means of occupation by American troops. The Austro-German Government protests to the Government of the United States against any unlawful occupation of German areas by Jugoslav troops and asks that its request be granted that the said territory be neutralized and a company of American troops be detailed to Klagenfurt and one to Villach. This would guarantee in accordance with humane considerations, quiet and order to those parts that have already been so sorely tried and at the same time would not in any way prejudice the decisions of the Peace Congress.”

No. 6000

  1. The following is a translation of the French text quoted within the Legation’s memorandum; the file translation has been revised. A translation of the message was sent to Colonel House in Department’s telegram No. 160, Dec. 10, 1918, 1 p.m.