763.72119/2988: Telegram

The Chargé in Bulgaria ( Wilson ) to the Acting Secretary of State

6. Referring to conversation I had with Captain Lippmann, in Paris, I fail to find in Bulgaria any special interest in Thrace or any indication that she would consider expansion in that direction as compensation for parts of Macedonia. On the other hand talking with [Page 250] Greeks and others, it appears that Greece has almost unlimited ambitions and aspirations in Thrace. The most burning question for Bulgaria is to secure the return of Dobrudja, and next comes the acquisition of that part of Macedonia granted to Bulgaria by the secret annex to the Serbo-Bulgarian treaty of 1912 before first Balkan War. Bulgaria looks to Peace Conference and especially influence of United States there, to secure for her these two bits of territorial expansion of which she claims she cannot be deprived, if the principle [of] nationalities is honestly carried out. Regarding a second inquiry of Captain Lippmann as to the possibility of Bulgaria in the course of time joining or being absorbed into a strong Yugoslav State, I have had many conversations on the subject with various persons of different nationalities, diplomats and others. They all agree that the idea is most improbable and practically impossible. The only exceptions have been a number of Yugoslav officers who think it is possible. I gather that this is a scheme launched and fathered by the Yugoslavs, who of course desire it, but I do not think it will receive the slightest consideration or favor in Bulgaria. Above sent Paris.
