
The British Embassy to the Department of State

No. 1306


The British representative at Nish reported on November 14th that he had had a discussion with Monsieur Pavitchitch, who was leaving to rejoin the National Jugo-Slav Council at Agram.

Monsieur Pavitchitch stated emphatically that the entire Jugo-Slav population, except possibly a few politicians, wished for the closest union with Serbia, a union which might indeed be regarded as already accomplished. He referred to the majority of the Slavs over the Italians in Istria and Dalmatia.

Monsieur Pavitchitch also mentioned his desire that British ships might be sent to places occupied by Italian forces, a matter which he had already mentioned to the Commander of the British Forces in the Adriatic.

The British Minister thought that Monsieur Pavitchitch appeared dissatisfied with the reports which had reached him as to the discussions between the Jugo-Slavs and Serbs at Geneva. He mentioned the apparent wish of Monsieur Trumbitch to replace Monsieur Pashitch and to use for this purpose the antagonism of the Serbian opposition leaders to Monsieur Pashitch.

The British Ambassador at Paris was recently informed by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs that no agreement had yet been established between the Jugo-Slavs and the Serbians. Monsieur Pashitch had told the Minister of Foreign Affairs that he was shortly leaving for Corfu and Uskub, with a view to reaching such an agreement. The Minister is of opinion that no recognition should be given [Page 307] to the Jugo-Slavs until an accord has been arrived at, and he states that Monsieur Pashitch and Monsieur Vesnitch agreed with this view.