
The Swiss Minister ( Sulzer ) to the Secretary of State

Sir: By direction of my Government, I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency the original text of a communication from the German Government, received by this Legation this morning.

A translation of this communication is likewise enclosed.

Accept [etc.]

Hans Sulzer

A Communication From the German Government to the Government of the United States

According to information received in Berlin from the Postmaster General at Karlsruhe, Strassburg and Frankfurt, the Allied Governments [Page 37] have taken measures, whereby, since November 21, all communications by mail, telegraph and telephone between Alsace-Lorraine and the other parts of Germany are completely interrupted. These measures inflict great hardships on the population concerned.

The Postmaster General at Karlsruhe, for instance, reports that there are thousands of parcels, destined for the Alsace, at the Parcel-post Transfer Office at Mannheim and at the Post Office Karlsruhe 2. In Karlsruhe more than 200 registered and insured parcels from Switzerland for the Alsace are held up. The parcels contain mostly foodstuffs.

Furthermore, since November 21, noon, all [passenger] traffic has been stopped between Alsace-Lorraine and the other parts of Germany. This measure seriously affects the manifold economic relations, especially a great number of workmen and employes.

The German Government begs to draw the attention of the United States and Allied Governments to the unjustified harshness of these measures, which are not in line with the terms of the armistice. In the name of the population of Alsace-Lorraine and of the other parts of Germany it begs to solicit an early modification mitigating the aforementioned conditions.


Secretary of State in the Foreign Office