
The Belgian Minister ( Cartier ) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have the honor of informing you that my Government has received, from official Luxemburg sources, confirmation of the news that the Grand Duchess, in accord with her Ministers, has decided to take no part in affairs of State until the people shall have expressed their wishes as to the future of Luxemburg.

According to our information, certain individuals endeavored to start an agitation in favor of union with France, but this movement met with no success among the people, and the Chamber of Deputies clearly expressed its sentiments against such a union.

A Bale newspaper (National Zeitung?) published a telegram from Luxemburg, under date of November 14th, announcing the failure of the above mentioned movement, and stating that the people of Luxemburg wish to develop, in full liberty, their friendly relations with Belgium, or else simply to be reunited to Belgium.

My Government has also informed me that Luxemburg has asked the King of the Belgians to protect its interests during the peace negotiations; the Belgian Government has replied that it will continue to protect on all occasions the interests of the people of Luxemburg.

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Thinking that you would be interested in this information, I have taken the liberty to communicate it to you and I beg to remain [etc.]

E. de Cartier