
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell)

No. 295

Sir: The Department has received your No. 458 of the 3d instant reporting that a spirit of banditry prevails in the eastern part of the Dominican Republic, and suggesting the formation of a Guardia Nacional of Dominicans, efficiently officered by Americans, to be used as a national police force in cooperation with United States Marines, with a view to put an end to lawless conditions in the country.

In reply I have to say that the Department concurs in your opinion as to the desirability of creating an efficient rural guard with American officers similar to the Haitian Gendarmerie.

You are instructed to discuss this matter informally with the Military Government, indicating the attitude of this Department on the question, and to report fully and exactly the result of your conference.

I am [etc.]

Frank L. Polk