760c.60f/24: Telegram

The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Crane) to the Secretary of State

171. Your telegram number 93 [83], July 9, and my telegram number 162, July 3. Beneš informed me 14th that at Spa he and Prime Minister Grabski35 signed an agreement covering all points in dispute between Czechoslovakia and Poland and that a cordial and complete understanding had been reached. This was published July [Page 48] 15th. On account of garbled condition of your telegram number 93 [83], July 9, and the urgency of the situation, I was only able to state in a general way to Benes the effect of his attitude on arms embargo as reported in my telegram number 162, July 3, noon, on sentiment in the United States.

He informed me that an understanding has been reached with Grabski on this point. The Roumanians have not completely evacuated sub-Carpathian Ruthenia and they are to remain and control the railroad running north and south in that country. This will permit munitions to go to Poland. In the meantime the Government will endeavor to change attitude railroad workers on the subject of arms embargo but this will necessarily take time. It should be clearly understood that this action of the workers was purely voluntary and that the Government is weak. Therefore the matter must be handled carefully. Benes leaves for Paris 17th to take matter up with Council of Ambassadors and in view of extreme gravity of the situation it might be advisable that I proceed to Paris in order that Ambassador Wallace may be thoroughly informed as to the situation here. In a subsequent telegram I will endeavor to inform the Department the important factor [facts?] of the situation. It should be understood clearly, however, that in coming to this agreement with Poland after Parliament had instructed Benes to stand for plebiscite, he is risking his political future and also is affecting the position of President Masaryk.

  1. President of the Council of Ministers of Poland.