862t.01/29: Telegram

The Observer on the Rhineland High Commission ( Noyes ) to the Secretary of State

French Government has ordered General Degoutte to concentrate troops in the Mainz bridgehead for possible advance on Frankfort and Darmstadt. This noon the latter through Brigard [Tirard?] requested the High Commission to declare a state of war participated [precipitated?] in that bridgehead as soon as operation has been determined upon which may be within a few hours. The Commission agreed. I disassociated myself with [from] the Commission’s action, merely agreeing to transmit information to you. Information seems authentic that German Government has determined to use troops in the neutral zone exceeding existing arrangement and has probably already taken this action. German Chancellor told British Chargé d’Affaires that, admitting technical violation of the treaty, this use of troops in the Ruhr was not a violation of the spirit of the treaty, since it was not aimed at the Allies and was absolutely necessary to save at the same time cities and peaceful workmen. Information about this latter point is conflicting. An unanimous appeal signed by both Social Democratic Party and the Burgomaster of Duisburg begged from Berlin quick action to prevent any wholesale slaughter. Other reports claim improved conditions and that necessity for more troops only a pretext. French contemplated advance will possibly bring downfall of the Muller government and perhaps disorders extending to occupied territory. It is my opinion [Page 308] that the danger to the Allies of permitting additional troops in the neutral zone is very slight compared to the need for restoring order in the Ruhr. If there is a real belief that this movement of troops to the Ruhr threatens the safety of the Allied forces would you agree to reenforcements be[ing] massed opposite them rather than at the point farthest away.
