862t.01/39a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Observer on the Rhineland High Commission ( Noyes )26

Answering resolution of inquiry President advised the House April 1 that American troops on Rhine are subject only to Presidents orders, that American troops and territory they control are governed by armistice terms, that Foch has no authority over American [Page 312] troops and that General Allen has full authority to utilize troops for police of occupied district to preserve order and repel any attack made upon him. President stated State Department representative and American commanding general in Germany were instructed that United States cannot admit jurisdiction of interallied Rhineland commission over portions of Rhenish province occupied by American forces; that they should maintain closest touch with high commission and so far as possible endeavor to conform within American occupied territory to administrative regime adopted by high commission for other portions of occupied territory; that there is no objection to American representatives sitting informally with the high commission if requested, nor of continuing their activities with special committees to handle coal distribution etc; that they should in general cooperate with high commission while making it perfectly clear that they are still operating under the armistice and in no way bound by Rhineland agreement terms nor by the memorandum of June 13, 1919 defining relations between military authorities and the high commission. The President added that the instructions directed that ordinances orders regulations etc relating to financial and economic matters including those similar to one adopted by high commission which it is desired to put into force in territory occupied by American forces should be issued by General Allen as commanding general of American forces in Germany but only after having first been approved by you.

  1. Via the Embassy in France as no. 701.